
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And he's off...

The Shoes
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The Lunchbag
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The Kindergartener!!!!!
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Kevin had an awesome first day today!!! He knows a few boys in his class from t-ball and daycare, he got picked to be the line leader AND hold his teacher's clipboard, he got to have recess 5 times, and he packed his own lunch. Although, he is the slowest eater on the planet and was shocked how little time he had for snack and lunch. He was starving by the end of class. He's really going to need to step it up on his calorie intake. But when the decision is between eat and wins everytime!

We just couldn't be prouder!!! I can't wait to see what to see how this year shapes up!

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Monday, August 27, 2007

My baby is all growns up!

Woah, I can't believe Kindergarten starts Wednesday. Where did the time go? It wasn't long ago that we brought little Kevin home from the hospital, he could cross his legs genie-style to sleep in his crib, and he would sleep all night. So mild-mannered, so loveable, such a happy fat giggly baby. He learned to walk on his tip-toes, and still does. He's still addicted to his blankie. He still loves to eat peanut butter + tofu for lunch. But he's a big kid now. Going off to school. It's pretty weird, strange, tough, exciting, emotional, wonderful. He is SO ready, he's already reading and writing and spelling. But he's going to love the other kids, the dynamic of school. He's just a kid that I can tell is going to do well in school, he will thrive on praise and being challenged, and just plain learning. We see that everyday in him. Wish him well, he'll be venturing off this Wednesday morning...and he will be fine. Don't know what to say about Mom & Dad, but Kevin will be just fine!!

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

And to think...

I never really wanted to have kids. Just never crossed my mind...then I ended up with these 2 beauties!!!

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I don't even want to think what my life would be like without them. They are sunshine on a rainy day, the frosting on my cupcakes, the whipped cream on my sundae, the extra chocolate chips I put in my cookies. They are sweet and kind and loveable and wonderful. With all the bad comes SO much good. I love these 2!!!!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

I thought I posted this...

But I guess not. Kate from 2ScrappyChix issued a self-portrait challenge. So, here is mine. I took this a few weeks ago. My son was watching me take photos of myself in the backyard and when I came in the house he said "Mom, what are you DOING???" Doesn't he think I deserve to be in the scrapbooks too????
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