
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Another Layout Share

Well, this kit from Scrapbooker's Club House keeps going and going! I love it, I never would have thought to use it for camping photos, but I think it works. Don't tell me otherwise. Here are a few more layouts i've completed with the kit.

I just love that photo of Craig with the kids flying the kite. Kayla was SOOO into her Hello Kitty kite. She figured out how to keep the kite up and was a pro in no time. She did not want Hello Kitty diving to the earth. She was so patient and deliberate, she was a great kite flier!!

On another note, I am loving the new Killers album. the killers I think it's a collection of remakes and outtakes and cuts that didn't make the 2nd album. But they have an awesome acoustic version of Sam's Town and a great Joy Divison cover. The more I listen, the more I HAVE to listen. I hope they come back to LA next year, Tiff and I are ready. Peace out!
Brandon Flowers

Monday, December 24, 2007

My View...

It was a beautiful West Coast sunny Christmas Eve day and we took advantage of it and went to the beach. We spent all afternoon letting the waves catch our toes and finding sea creatures in the tidepools. Because of the full moon, the tide was low and we saw all sorts of great things in the tidepools. It was nicer than many summer days at the beach. This is why I live in California. Happy Holidays everyone!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

O Christmas Tree

I've been playing with the settings on my camera, trying to get a good photo of our tree. Our living room has a valuted ceiling, so I get all sorts of weird shadows bouncing all over the place. This is the best photo I've gotten to date. I had to edit the photo a bit after I took it, tried to make it a little less yellow. But here it is!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

December is Good!

I have exciting news...I was picked to be Scrapbooker's Club House's December Guest Designer! WOOOOHOOO!! I am so thrilled about this. Nicole and all the girls at SBCH are awesome. They have great monthly challenges and are always ready with a kind word and friendly smile. Come on over and check it out!

Here are a few layouts I made with my guest designer kit. It included My Mind's Eye 'Out & About' patterned paper. This stuff is beautiful, I love it. It works for so many different themes and photos. The first one is a 6x12 LO, which is my first ever. I was scared at first, but it came together quickly and I will definitely be doing more of these!

This one was based on a Becky Higgins sketch. I like the clean lines and how I used so many photos on a 2-page LO.

I know it looks crooked, I can't seem to take a straight photo or fix anything in my photo editing software right now. Looks so professional, doesn't it....Yikes! I'm just lucky to find time for scrapping right now!

While i'm at it, check out these ornaments I made for a friend of mine. They were easy and fun and I only broke one!!

And to top it all off, here are the cuties on our lawn. My DH bought the polar bear last year and he thought the bear was lonely. He now has 2 penguin friends and they seem to enjoy our neighborhood!!! Happy Holidays, everyone!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Good...The Bad...The Ugly

Okay, that is one of my DH's FAVORITE movies of all time, but that's not what this is about. Mary from 2SCD has a blog challenge, give the good, bad, and ugly of the holiday season. We'll start easy...

THE GOOD: This includes family and friends, time off work, presents, presents, giving presents, decorating the tree, lots and lots of holiday baking and eating, colder weather, wearing the hat and scarf even when it's not that cold outside, more family and friends, the quintesential christmas spirit!

THE BAD: I don't have much to say here! Maybe waiting in line or crowded parking lots, but I do alot of shopping online, so don't have to worry about that. Maybe those little extra pounds that creep on while i'm eating and baking?

THE UGLY: Whenever we get together for any occasion, there is always a few games of heated, highly competitive Scrabble played. We all know it, we all do it, we all love it. One holiday, my DH and I tried to memorize as many 2-letter words and words that start with 'V' from the dictionary on the drive to my Mom's. There's been letter swapping under the table, trash talking, pouting, some voices being raises, grudges held, and many challenges using the 20 year old dictionary. But this really takes the cake. This word was playing by my future brother-in-law on Thanksgiving. You can't really marry into this family unless you play a few rounds of Scrabble. You don't have to LIKE it, just shut up and play. Well, he played this word and by some miracle of nature, NOBODY CHALLENGED IT!!!!!! I wasn't in this game, but was shocked when I saw the board. He tried to sneak this past everyone, and by worked. Towl...some weird twisted version of towel...That's the UGLY i'm talking about!

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BOOOOOOO-YA!!!!! Welcome to the family, Jason!

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That's The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly...and for my DH...

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