
Friday, July 27, 2007

Guilty Pleasures...

Anybody watching 'Rock Of Love?' If not, you are missing out on the greatest train wreck on VH1. First of all, let's start off with the fact that it stars Bret Michaels. Lead singer of Poision. You all remember...Every rose has it's thorns...sing it loud and proud (you know you remember the words, admit it!!). I can't believe this guy is still around, much less has his own reality show.
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This show revolves around Bret (who somewhere lost a T in his name) and his sincere quest for true love. comes the trash. These girls are the trashiest I have ever seen. Are they for real??????? They spend their days getting hammered, pole dancing, and cat fighting. It's insane, it's crazy, it's addicting, it's awful...and I can't stop watching. Last week they all had to talk dirty to Bret and his unit was hooked up to a monitor that measured blood flow to see how aroused he was getting. The BEST part was the guy hooking him up was wearing a white lab coat (because you can't be a legit scientist w/o a lab coat) and looked very official. Under his name in small text it said...Not a real scientist...what???? He's not??? But he's wearing a lab coat!!!??? It amazes me that he can make out with all the chicks in the house, but yet each of them feels they have a personal connection with him and they are HIS girlfriend. Priceless.

Please watch. Sunday nights on VH1. You won't be sorry...
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

My first clear album

Here is my first clear album. Everything I used came from the July Guest Designer kit from Creative Scrap Shack ( Primas, rubons, and ricrac not in the kit, but available at the shack! I like how it turned out. I bought a big acrylic sheet at Home Depot and my sweet dear hubbie cut the pages and drilled the holes for me. Thanks for looking!!
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Monday, July 9, 2007

Top 5 Vacations

Amanda from Creative Scrap Shack issued this challenge: Top 5 Vacations...Here are mine:

1. Honeymoon in Costa Rica. Diving, snorkeling, active volcanos, Immodium, belching buses, juicy mangos, hot springs, howler monkeys, hurricanes at the swim up bar, igunanas beneath our lounge chairs, a hot tub in our room, gorgeous jungles...all with the love of my life. What more can I say?

2. Camping in the Sequoias. We've done this a couple of times and it never gets old. It's just beautiful there, so many huge trees to see, great campsites, you gotta love it there.

3. Improptu Vegas Trip. In grad school, Craig and I picked up our final teaching checks, looked at each other and said 'Vegas, baby, Vegas!!'. We left that night. We spent 6 days in Vegas just doing whatever we wanted to. We were on a win streak at the beginning, so we stayed longer than we anticipated. Oh, the freedom to do that again!!

4. La Paz, Baja California. 5 days of fishing and drinking. 2 people to a panga with a super knowledgeable fishing guide. I caught a 150 pound sailfish, rooster fish, mahi mahi, yellowfin tuna, and more. Best shashimi I ever ate right there on the beach. Awesome, awesome, awesome.

5. Santa Cruz (?) with my family when I was about 10. One of the only vacations with my family that didn't revolve around a swim meet!! My parents rented a beach house and we played all weekend at the beach. We buried my older brother up to his neck in sand, ate forbidden cheetos for snack, collected shells, and had a ball.

What a nice little jaunt down memory lane!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Way I See It...

If people knew more about where their food came from, they probably wouldn't eat it.

Friday, July 6, 2007

It pays to run....

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I found this on my run a couple of days ago. Since I was running 4 miles, that's $2.50 a mile I was earning. Maybe that makes running another marathon worth it...I should find $65.50 along the race route. Hmmmmm....

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy July 4th!!

Happy 4th! Our little town does fireworks on the 3rd of July...why? I have no idea, that's just how they roll. Our friends and neighbors usually have a kickass July 3rd party and this year was no exception. They rented this huge bouncy water slide for the kids. It was so great seeing Kevin play and have fun with no hesitation. He wasn't afraid at all, just played and played...until we forced him to stop and eat. Then he played some more, so cool!!
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They had tons of great food, Mai-Tais in a bucket, snow cones, necklaces for the kids, sparklers (which we needed to sign a waiver for Fireman Bill and prove our insurance before letting our kids participate), Coronas with lime (the greatest summer beer ever), cake, great people, just all sorts of fun. That's how we roll.
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My kids loved the snow cones, even went back for more 'color'. They just couldn't get enough!! Kayla loved the sparklers, she was trying so hard to be careful and got a big kick out of the whole ordeal!

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When it started getting dark, we packed up the kids in the wagons and walked over to the park. Not too far, probably a 5-10 minute walk.
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We claimed a spot on the grass, ate more snacks, played with little toys from the kids goodie bags, and waited for the darkness to fall completely. My kids loved the firework show, great to watch and since we were not too close it wasn't too loud. We pulled them home and poured them into bed. It was a great day!!!
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Monday, July 2, 2007

I'm so excited!!!

Yiiippppeee!!! I just got picked as the July Guest Designer at Creative Scrap Shack!!! I am so excited! I just love The Shack. Carmen, the owner, is fabulous at keeping all the latest and greatest in the shack. The design team is sooo talented and supportive. And everyone else is just great. So much support and fun and amazing talent. I am so lucky to have been picked out of this pool of scrappers! If you have a chance, come check us out! You won't be disappointed. I'll let you know what I do with my July kit!
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