
Friday, July 27, 2007

Guilty Pleasures...

Anybody watching 'Rock Of Love?' If not, you are missing out on the greatest train wreck on VH1. First of all, let's start off with the fact that it stars Bret Michaels. Lead singer of Poision. You all remember...Every rose has it's thorns...sing it loud and proud (you know you remember the words, admit it!!). I can't believe this guy is still around, much less has his own reality show.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This show revolves around Bret (who somewhere lost a T in his name) and his sincere quest for true love. comes the trash. These girls are the trashiest I have ever seen. Are they for real??????? They spend their days getting hammered, pole dancing, and cat fighting. It's insane, it's crazy, it's addicting, it's awful...and I can't stop watching. Last week they all had to talk dirty to Bret and his unit was hooked up to a monitor that measured blood flow to see how aroused he was getting. The BEST part was the guy hooking him up was wearing a white lab coat (because you can't be a legit scientist w/o a lab coat) and looked very official. Under his name in small text it said...Not a real scientist...what???? He's not??? But he's wearing a lab coat!!!??? It amazes me that he can make out with all the chicks in the house, but yet each of them feels they have a personal connection with him and they are HIS girlfriend. Priceless.

Please watch. Sunday nights on VH1. You won't be sorry...
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  1. Thanks for the tv tip Mara! I love good reality TV and this sounds right up my alley!

  2. Yes, I loved Poison....when I was about 13!!!! LOL Of course, I'd watch the trashy show too, if I could get my kids out of the room! I am sure he's really needing some money and what better way to do it than on a music show! LOL Thanks for the hysterical commentating though Mara....I will definitely try to watch it!

    P.S. THanks for the wishes for K!! ;)

  3. Give me something to belive in, something from the lord above...

    Every night has is dawn... just like every cowboy sings a sad sad song, every rose has its thorn...

    Un Skinny bop bop!

    You're a mess.
