
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Opening Day!!

Wow, today was opening day for baseball season. It always feels like spring when baseball starts. My son is playing coach pitch (where the coach pitches to the kids) and is doing so great! It's amazing to see the improvement in all the boys from t-ball to this year. Some of those boys can really hit the ball!! Kevin got 4 hits today and made some 'plays' in the infield. Still working on the 'throwing the ball to the correct spot', but he'll only get better. It was HOT HOT HOT at the field today, felt like summer. It was so nice.

I had a grand ol' time playing with my new camera and zoom lens. Wow, the ability to get closeup just makes me so happy!!

It was amazing how stepping into the Little League fields instantly brought me back to my childhood. I was a competitive swimmer my whole life, I think. From the time I was about 7, we spent almost every weekend at a swim meet. The smell that brought me back was the snack bar at the field. The grill was going and they were grilling up hamburgers and hot dogs and other various meat products. But it smelled just like it did 30 years ago. Pretty amazing the way a smell can trigger some powerful memories. It was actually pretty cool.

Thanks for stopping by! It was gorgeous here today...I think spring is NEAR!


  1. Great action pics! I miss those days. I browsed through your earlier posts, and I love all your layouts!!! I so enjoy looking at your work!

  2. Great pics! Fun to get to play with your camera a bit!

  3. Mara LOVED the photos!!
    Hope your having a GREAT weekend!
