
Monday, May 19, 2008

More wedding pics!!

I'm just going to share a few photos, I took over 400 and had to really whittle it down!! Here are some family photos from the rehearsal dinner. It was at the Sierra Nevada house, where we drank...well...Sierra Nevada! It was really mellow and low key after the rehearsal.

Here are my 3 other siblings. Yes, I am the shortest!! To be fair, my sister was wearing these really tall wedge sandals...but she still is taller than me!

My sister and Jason got married in a little Gold Mining church in Coloma. The church was built in the 1850's and the alter was handmade from fruit crates. It was really pretty.

We got ready at a wonderful Bed and Breakfast the morning of the wedding. Kayla sat through hours of hair curling and braiding and that was all without the help of the rest of us had!!

I don't why, but I love this photo. I like how you can see my sister's ring and how she is in the makeup chair and the reflection of the paparazzi in the mirror. A different perspective.

The wedding was beautiful, what I saw of it through my tears. I swear, I am such a crier now. Ever since having kids I have turned into a big cry baby!!! My kids were so cute as flower girl and ring bearer. I'll have to wait for the real photographer photos for those. For some reason, my sister didn't let me carry my camera down the aisle. The reception was at another B&B about 50 feet from the church. The weather was so nice and the B&B was gorgeous. There was a pond and a tree swing and it was so green and lush!

Here are 4 generations of Wees women. My Great Aunt Caroline (Sister Caroline) who has been a Franciscan Nun for over 50 years, my mom, myself, and my daughter. Can you see our polish heritage? Look at that backdrop, just beautiful greens!!

This is my BFF from 6th grade, Beth. She came with her family to the wedding. We were tripping out that she remembers my sister being 5 years old when we first met!

And here we are with the bride and groom! They were SO happy and we were too and we had a fantastic party!!

This pretty much sums it up!!! BTW, Jason is from Maine, hence the lobster reference. We had a fabulous time!


  1. I've been enjoying all your wedding photos! Big congrats to the bride and groom!

  2. What WONDERFUL photos Mara... and I must say I am a bit SHOCKED your sister wouldnt let you carry your camera down with you~ How RUDE! HA HA HA!!!! :) Cant wait to see the kiddos all decked out!!! CONGRATS to the bride and groom! and Thank her for letting your scrappy friends share in her day via your photos!!! :)
