
Monday, July 14, 2008

Some new layouts

So...I'm participating in 4 week challenge over at Scrapdango. Each week we get 1 challenge and 1 bonus challenge. The first week was a tough challenge, use orange, green, and purple on a layout. Also use 7 flowers and 5 different papers. That was a tough color combination for me, but this is what I came up with.

We also had to create our own sketch. This was fun, i've done sketches a few times and i'm getting better at it. I made this one in power point.

For this week's challenge, we were assigned somebody else's sketch to create a layout from. How fun is that????? Here is my layout based on Regina's sketch.

I used my new Pink Paislee stamps for the skulls and made my own skull from felt. Stitched on the eyes and mouth. I also used my nail file to grunge up the outside border of the layout and the PP. I stamped with corrugated cardboard on white cardstock to get the other patterned paper. This one was fun!! And I love these photos of my kids, they just LOVE music!!

The bonus challenge was to create a layout based on your own sketch. This came together quickly, i've been wanting to scrap this photo for a while. Love those felt flowers!!! I wish I had every color under the sun of the flowers!

I'm having fun with all the challenges!!! And the message board is so friendly, stop by when you have a chance!

1 comment:

  1. Mara~ I LOVED your new stuff ~ TO FUN! I will have to peek at the site you shared... I love a good challenge!!
    Hope your day is GREAT!
