
Saturday, August 16, 2008


I am loving my new cupcake book, Hello Cupcake, and decided to make some more goodies with the kids. I needed mini and normal sized cupcakes, oreos, chocolate chips, black and white frosting, and fruit loops (couldn't find any oreos-O cereal that apparently exists somewhere). Oh, and 2 very eager helpers who promised NOT to lick their fingers during the assembly process.

We made the panda faces using the mini cupcakes, white frosting, fruit loops, black accent frosting and chocolate chips. The kids picked what color to make each panda's ears.

We then used crushed oreos to make the fur on the bigger cupcakes.

Two very focused and diligent helpers assembled the body and heads.

And here they are!!!! Very cute panda creations, all with different colored ears. Some are more perfect than others, but we had so much fun!!!

Thanks for stopping by!! Grab a panda before you leave...


  1. Are you for real? Seriously, you need more to do with your time. Like make plans for Costa Rica. Eesh. Please send cupcakes north.

  2. Mara,Kevin, and Kayla.. Those were soooo CUTE!! You all did a GREAT job.. we are all on our way over save one for us! :)
    Have FUN when your Grandma/Mom visits!!!!

  3. Let's see... I'll take the one with the blue ears, hehehe! Those are adorable! What's the name of the cupcake book? It looks like so much fun!

  4. these are ADORABLE!!!! How cute is that?!?!?! I want one- can you overnight it??? great pics!
