
Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Sweet Baby Girl is 5

Okay, where does the time go? I thought it was just last week that I was bringing home this...

But wait...then she started doing THIS alot...

But then she got cute again...started to smile...

But still doing this...

Thank goodness for cameras because those months are a blur in my mind. Having a colickly newborn and a 20 month old...what were we thinking??? Well, she grew out of the crying, and we decided to keep her! And then 5 years flew by. She is such a beautiful, opinioned, girly, musical, creative, wonderful 5 year old! Happy Birthday baby girl!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLA!! Hope you had a GREAT birthday!!!

    Mara CONGRATS on the DT to cool!! LOVE LOVE LOVE all the layouts you shared! Glad blogger worked this time!!!

    Have a Great night!

  2. I heard the fairy was a wicked hit... :) Check the blog... caching updates and more!

  3. Woo-Hoo Happy B-Day Kayla!! We still love you even though you cried a lot :)

  4. Hee!!! Mara, that was the cutest and made me giggle! DD is SOOOO CUTE!! Just adorable :)

    Can't WAIT to see your party pictures!
