
Friday, September 5, 2008

Soccer season starts tomorrow

We are all very excited for the start of soccer tomorrow!! Kevin is on The Piranhas and Kayla is on the Soccer Stars. Their games are thankfully not at the same time so I get to attend both. They are both just loving soccer, this is their first time playing. Kevin is such a fast runner and loves to run and dribble that ball. Kayla just loves to be out there, running around, trying to get the ball and playing with the other girls on the team. She got lucky enough to wear a pink jersey this year. We'll see how the games are tomorrow! Here are some shots of her practicing. They are so cute!

Wish us luck tomorrow!!! The Piranhas and The Soccer Stars are coming to get ya!!


  1. adorable!! I guess that makes you a soccer mom? lol!! I love your layouts for M2R also- I am so glad you came over! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. Good luck at the soccer game! I love the photos. They are so cute at that age.

  3. Kayla looks adorable! Have fun and good luck!
