
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Color Me Daisy Reveal Time!

It's October 1st...and that means reveal day! It's the reveal of Color Me Daisy's October kit Funky Fashion Show. Wow, this kit is amazing. Pink Paislee and American Craft papers, glittery Thickers, swirly felt, Pink Paislee rubons, and these cool American Craft felt flowers. Definitely one of my favorites!!

A fun, bright, funky kit...go gets yours!!! We have changed the way we do monthly challenges at Color Me Daisy. come check out the message board and participate in the fun. We are also having an October challenge to decorate a pumpkin with your scrappy supplies! You don't want to miss it!


  1. Mara I LOVE it!! Such GREAT layouts, cute card, great box!!! You did a FANTASTIC job with the kit!!!
    Hope your day is GREAT!

  2. If you are really nice to me, I'll let you use Sarah's Cricut! Tell your hubby if it goes to Dodgers/Sox for the world series, I am coming down!
