
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yes, another mini album!

I've been really into making mini albums. I love that I can sit down and pretty much finish up a mini in a night or two. Color Me Daisy's November kit, Feelin' Fall, came with this super cute Maya Road tabbed album. It included all the pages plus plenty of small chipboard embellies in just the right size!! I pulled out my jazz blue Glimmer Mist and went to town on the chipboard. This album came together really quickly, almost everything (except the prima flowers) is from the November kit.

I loved pulling out my Glimmer Mist again. I had to unclog the sprayer and stained my finger pretty good, but got it working! I will have to remember to use that mist more, it's really pretty and fun. Maybe I will ask for the Bind-it-all for Christmas after all...

Thanks for stopping by!!! Only 8 more days until this....!!!!!
Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos
edward cullen Pictures, Images and Photos
twilight Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. Holy cow! I don't know if I am more excited about your other adorable book or that movie!! AAAAgghhh!! I can't wait! I am as excited as my teenage daughter! :P
    Pathetic huh?

  2. I love your album! So pretty - and the colours are right up my alley! We are anxiously awaiting Twilight too - my daughter would like to skip school that day, but we opted to go as soon as schools out instead. :)

  3. oh, love the mini and your taste in books...can't wait either...

  4. What a great little family mini! Can you believe that movie is just around the corner!

  5. Okay okay you've convinced me to read them Mara. Have to read it before I can see the movie!!

  6. hi!!! hope you still remember me... i love your mini book!!! so gorgeous!!!!! and i love your blog too~!!! so many eyecandies!

  7. Seriously? Are you a 14 year old goth wanna-be trying to piss off your parents. Wow.

  8. Okay that was Jason posting under my name!!

  9. Mara I LOVE the mini album... so so CUTE!! Enjoy your movie when it comes out!! (I will be watching BOLT!! hee hee!!)
    Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!
