
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finally...a post!!!

I am back from my scrap retreat!! And it took me this long to post. Geez!! We had a fantastic time, 12 scrappy, funny, creative, chatty girls together for a weekend of scrapping and drinking and laughing. I love these weekends. I got about 20 layouts completed, which I was happy with. I also started a bunch of cards that i'm making for gifts. I haven't had a chance to take pics of any layouts, hopefully this weekend when the weather is a bit nicer. are some other pics!!
The scrap room, it was in the 'basement' of this cabin. Lots of space for everyone!

There were 3 levels, the basement where the scrap room was. The middle floor with the kitchen and dining room and fireplace and then upstairs was the bar, TV room and master bedroom. Here's a pic of the kitchen from the upper level. Pretty roomy for all of us and our snacks!

And here are pics of the sunset from the upper balcony. It was cold and crisp, just the right weather for some warm fuzzy socks.

We made Yucca Blossoms, which consist of limeade concentrate, Diet 7-Up and Vodka. YUMMMMY!!! After a few of those everyone was laughing and sharing their deep dark secrets from their past. Hee Hee..Too fun! Here is Melissa, Tiffany and I smiling for a self-portrait. No makeup, girls!! We are all natural, what a fun weekend.

I cannot wait to go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh Mara that looks like one FANTASTIC weekend! I gotta trys me somes of those COCKTAILS! YUMMY!!!

  2. Holy Cow! 20 Layouts!!!
    I would guess from the photos that you all spent a lot of time eating and drinking, but it seem you got in some scrapping too, LOL! Looks like a great time!
