
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Wow, what a beautiful weekend! It's been 75 degrees and sunny and just a bit windy this weekend. Perfect for spending it outside. I took the kids out yesterday morning to a local park and had a little photo shoot. I borrowed a bunch of cute dresses from a friend for Kayla to change into (she is SO into that sort of thing!!) and Kevin brought his favorite baseball hat and a few shirts to change into. We had a great morning just playing and messing around with my camera. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

The kids actually had alot of fun and Kevin was directing me all over the park deciding where he wanted his photo taken. Too funny!! Then we met Craig's family for dinner to celebrate my FIL's birthday. Lots of fun and a few too many martinis. Woah, that long run this morning was a bit tougher than it should have been!!

I also finished this challenge over at Moments 2 Remember. Ching challenged us to make a paper cupcake and here is what I ended up with. It was alot harder than I had anticipated. The folding of the cupcake holder was giving me fits until I tried a thin piece of paper (I started with Bazzill), that worked much better. It's a big messy around the edges, but I still like it!!

See that sentiment stamp? It's from a stamp set by Papertrey Inks. I am really starting to love their stamps, they have fantastic acrylic stamps. I just ordered a few more sets from the new release and can't wait to get them!! They have a fantastic gallery with all sorts of fun ideas!!

So, I also made a matching card for the cupcake. This paper is from Close To My Heart and i've had it for a while. Always loved it and now i'm just using up the scraps. The paper was too pretty to throw away the scraps!!

So now I have a cute little birthday set that will be for somebody special!! Thanks for stopping by and hope you're having a great weekend!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. why why OH WHY did you have to link to that site?? Now I want to buy more stamps....evil....

    BTW the first pic of Kayla by herself -- she looks so grownup! Like a big kid not a little girl!! They're growing too fast!!!!!

  3. Oh thank you so much for stopping by my blog Mara! Very sweet of you. YOur kids are sooo very cute! Love the pictures of them both. lol. That cupcake is absolutely the cutest and your cards are just beautiful!

    Have a very lovely day! :)

  4. I am sooo jealous of your weather. It looks gorgeous!! Your kids are so beautiful!!! I love your work girl!! You are such an inspiration!!

  5. Love the photos!! Cute cupcake, way beyond my crafty abilities!!

  6. LOVE the pictures! Your kids are adorable!!! Check out my blog--you've been tagged!

  7. Super cute cupcake and card!! Love the colors!
