
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Little Tooooot!!!

So a while ago I sent in my application for the My Acrylic Album design team call. I didn't make the team...BUT I did get asked to be the Guest Designer for May! YEAH!! I was so excited to get that email!! I have no idea what they are going to send me to play with but I am really excited to get it. WooHoo!!! Here are a few projects I sent in for my application. I am seriously tickled pink that they picked me!!!!!!!

In other news...

My daughter thinks she's a supermodel!!! She was trying on new clothes after Christmas and seriously starting strutting her stuff like she was on the runway. Now, I did NOT tell her to do this. Or to put her hand on her hip. Or to look over her shoulder. She just 'knew' what to do. Should I be afraid??? LOL!!!


  1. Whooo hoo!!! Congratulations my friend!! You will rock May, I know it!!

  2. CONGRATS Mara! That is so EXCITING!! I cant wait to see what you get to create for May!
    I LOVE those photos of Kayla.. what a cutie pie supermodel she is! :)

  3. Congrats Mara!! You are a scrapping superstar!! I can't wait to see what you get to create!! And yes, you should be extremely afraid about kayla...maybe you should start entering her in those Little Miss Creepy Jon Benet Dress Up Pageants!

  4. Congrats on the Guest DT position! You sure deserve it!
    ... as for you daughter, she could keep you supplied with scrapping photos indefinitly!!! She is such a cutie!

  5. I just got back from checking out the Acrylic album blog... That is majorly cool! TFS!

  6. yay for your guest dt spot! love all of your work! :)

  7. oooh...congrats. Wonderful for you, and I totally love your daughter's supermodel pics (I secretly have a dog that poses for her clothes).... scrap pages coming on that one.

  8. Congrats on the GDT position, Mara! They are really lucky to have you! BTW, you should be afraid, be very! This sounds so much like my Carley it isn't even funny! It only gets worse! But, I secretly love every minute of it and I know you do, too!

  9. Mara!

    That is so exciting! Way to go! I love all the latest goodies, and the photos of your SUPERMODEL is priceless!! Have to give that Green Tea Frap a try, thanks for sharing!

  10. You go girl!!! Great projects! I can see why they asked you to be a GD!!! :)

  11. Congrats on the GDT spot Mara! You'll be fabulous!
