
Saturday, January 24, 2009


I received a new cake book for Christmas. It's called The Cake Book by Tish Boyles. It is the kind of cookbook I can read from cover to cover, it has so many great recipes!! Traditional cakes, cheesecakes, mousse cakes, ice cream cakes and all sorts of recipes for frostings and garnishes and toppings. This is my first recipe from the book, White Chocolate Cheesecake with Peaches.

Did you see the peaches??? Well, I couldn't find any in the store! So I decided to go for a dab of buttercream frosting topped with a marachino cherry at regular intervals.

We are getting together with friends for dinner tonight so i'm bringing this for dessert. I've stopped just making desserts at home for no reason, because I end up eating them all. So I like to have a special occasion before I make anything. Sometimes I invite total strangers over for dinner JUST so I can make dessert! Ha, just kidding, but the thought has crossed my mind a few times. This is only my second cheesecake and my first attempt was a total disaster. I sure hope it tastes okay!!

Have a great Saturday everyone!!


  1. Ummm.....YUM!!!!!! When am I coming over??????????

  2. When I started reading, I looked for the peaches in the cake... then I scrolled down and read more, LOL! I LOVE cheesecake!!! Yours looks YUMMY!

  3. Ok, I can come over for dinner anytime! Looks delicious!

  4. Looks positively delicious!!! Can you mail me a piece???

  5. i looooooooove cheesecake. this looks so good and it's so cute :)

  6. YUMMY Mara!! We are open for dinner any night next week!!! :)
