
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bag Challenge

Papertrey Inks is celebrating their 2 year anniversary and I couldn't be more excited! I just recently discovered their stamps through a few of their design team members blogs and I LOVE them!! Dawn Mcvey is an amazing artist and design team member, I just love her projects and her blog. Call me a stalker, but I visit her blog at least once a day. I want to make cards like her when I grow up! They are doing really fun challenges and giveaways every day until February 15th and today it was Make-a-Bag.

So, here's my bag!! My daughter has already claimed it for herself. She's going to fill it with treats for her teacher on Valentine's Day. I used my new stamp set called Around & About Sentiments. I love it, so versatile. I just started playing with it and i'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface of what I can do with it.

The light isn't great, it's been rainy and dark all day today. But you get the idea!! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your bag is adorable and your daughter is a wise young lady! Her teacher will love it!!! Great job!!!

  2. Wow!!! I love your bag!! Its no wonder your daughter claimed it!! Hope you have a great day!!!

  3. Mara~ I LOVE that bag!!! Go Kayla.. steal that bag! :) Your teacher will LOVE it!! :)
    I LOVE that stamp set.. it is on my list of must gets! :)
    have a GREAT weekend!!!

  4. Did it rain at your house today too? The bag is adorable! The teacher is going to love it!

  5. That's so cute and I can understand why your dd wanted it!

  6. Quit making cute things and then linking to sites that make me want to spend money :)
