
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Birthday with Cake #2

Yesterday was my sweet hubbie's birthday and it just happen to be my cake class night. So...I told him I would make him a cake. So generous of me, don't you think! LOL!! So, here it is. Cake #2.

I am so not happy with the lighting in my kitchen right now! I could not get any good closeup photos. We learned that lacey technique that's covering the cake, the borders,and how to make vines, sweet pea flowers and leaves. We also learned how to make 2-tone flowers. As you will notice, the flowers are both white and blue. Kinda a cool effect. I'm not a big fan of that lacey look, a little bit too fussy for me. But I love the flowers and the cool borders. Definitely things I can use again!!

OOOppps...I just dropped frosting into my keyboard...LOL! Have to go clean that up. Love you sweetie and happy 1-day belated birthday! Thanks for stopping by!!! :-)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What do you think????

So...what do you think of my blog makeover????? I'm super happy with it!!!

And I have some fun news. Color Me Daisy is having a RAK a Day in the Month of May!! What is a RAK you say??? It's a Random Act of Kindness. All you have to do is visit the Color Me Daisy blog everyday in May. AND leave a comment! That's it!! Michelle has some really fun prizes to give away, something so you have a little happy mail in your mailbox. And who doesn't like happy mail!!

And in celebration of National Scrapbooking Day (which is May 2nd) we are having a month long Be Happy online crop. Lots of fun challenges and inspiration all throughout the month. And chances to win some great prizes. So come on over and play with us in May!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Cupcake Bites

My mom came to visit this weekend and we had a grand ol' time! She went to all the kids baseball and softball games and we did some serious baking. I finally got my hands on some great chocolate and candy melts and was itching to make cupcake pops. These are inspired by one of my favorite baking blogs, Bakerella. I decided to use the peanut butter cup candy mold method, you will understand in a minute. First...making the cake balls!

Take one box cake mix and bake it according to directions. I used a 9x13 rectangle pan. Bake, let it cool. Try not to go crazy from the smell of baking cake all over the house! Then crumble up the cake into small pieces into a big bowl. Don't forget to enlist some help.

Add about half a can of storebought frosting. Any kind will do.

Add more frosting until the cake/frosting mix is good and sticky and will hold together as a ball. Then roll, roll, roll the cake into balls! Place them on a cookie sheet that will be able to fit in your freezer.

Then go wash your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Put the balls into the freezer until they are nice and cold and hard. That is key in the dipping process, otherwise the balls will just fall apart when you dip them. Now assemble your dipping/decorating supplies. The glass of wine is a key ingredient!

Take the cake balls out of the freezer. Squeeze melted chocolate into the candy molds, about 2/3 of the way full. Push the cake ball into the chocolate/mold and let the chocolate push its way up the side of the cakeball. This will create a cupcake like look to the bottom of the cakeball.

Pop the tray back into the fridge for the chocolate to harden. Then pop them out of the mold. Hold by the bottom chocolate part and dip into any color candy melt. Make sure you hold them in far enough so the melts cover all of the cakeball. We made that mistake with some of them, didn't get full coverage.

Now decorate with whatever you want!! We used all sorts of sprinkles and M&M's.

Let the cupcake bites dry. They will harden up in a few minutes. How stinkin' CUTE are these?????

I think i'm in love with these little cuties. They are delicious and fun to make, the kids and my mom and I had the best time making them!! How fun would it be to coordinate them to whatever event you are going to, make them in your college colors for football season, make black and pink ones for a girls night out...the possibilities are endless. So...go make some cakeballs today!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

SD4U Spring Scrapin-ings

Welcome to Scrapbook Deals 4 U Spring Scrapin-ings!!! We are blog hopping today!! If you are just starting the blog hop, please go visit the SD4U Blog to find out all the details and which blog to start hopping at. Here is my spring related project:

This is a flower pot card with a matching nugget tin. I stamped the nugget wrappers with the Limitless Label stamp set from Papertrey Ink. I used regular return address labels, stamped on them and wrapped the nuggets. I got the nugget tin from Papertrey Ink and added a little wrap around the tin.

The flower pot card has an insert that comes right out and has a little space for a note!!

Patterned Paper: Glitz Design
Cardstock: DCWV
Flowers: Prima
Stamps: Papertrey Ink, Hero Arts
Ink: CTMH, Papertrey Ink
Bling: Darice
Other: ribbon, brads
Threading water punch

And my favorite quote (which also happens to be on my blog header):
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"-Ancient Native American Proverb

Now, if you're hopping around please go to Joni's blog:

Thanks for stopping by!! Don't forget to check out all the other blogs in the blog hop for more inspiration!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Only 2 left!!!

Are you on the fence about ordering April's kit from Moments 2 Remember? There are only 2 left, so don't hesitate any longer!! April's kit featured the Abbey Road line from Bo Bunny and would be perfect for all those Easter photos!! Here's a layout I created with the kit-

Get the April kit for only $20!! All you have to do is email Robin (owner of Moments 2 Remember) for that special blog price. Go to the Moments 2 Remember store and tell her that I sent you!!

Happy FRIDAY!!! Yeah!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My first cake class

I started my cake decorating class last night. I'm taking it at a local cake and candy bakery and the teacher is awesome. She's been the owner of the store for 22 years and really knows what she is talking about. We learned how to split, fill, crumb coat, and frost a cake. We also learned how to fill the bags, mix frosting and use all the tips. Some of this was review but it was nice getting a different perspective on it. We could then decorate our cake any way we wanted to. I think my cake is destined for a wedding!

Sorry about the poor photos, I had to take the photo inside and at night. Not alot of natural light!! I did a shell border around the bottom and top. I also used a cookie cutter to put the heart template on top and then just traced it.

Not really my 'style', but it's sooo tasty! I filled it with bavarian cream. Next week we learn all sorts of different flowers, how to do basket weave and lattice work. I love this class already!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Layout Share

I am trying to participate in a 6-week challenge at Scrapbook Deals 4 U. I actually got the first week completed and I hope to be able to find time to continue! It's a Real Life challenge and each week there is a challenge based on a TV show. This first challenge was based on American Idol. We had to showcase 1 person (no other people allowed in the photo) and the title had to be a song that was released the year that person was born. I used the song If You Could Read My Mind by Gordon Lightfoot. Never even heard it, LOL!!! This is a rare layout for me...because it's about me! There is hidden journaling under the tag which is tucked under the photo. All paper is from the gorgeous Color Me Daisy April Kit which featured Lily Bee Design papers.

I used my Cricut for all the flowers and had fun layering them with some buttons.

Also cut this butterfly with my Cricut. I just picked up all sorts of bling by Queen & Co. at a recent scrap expo. First time I opened the blue bling!!

This week the challenge is based on the TV Friends and I have to use 6 photos on my layout! Woah, that will be a challenge!! Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Softball Fever!

I finally had the chance to take my camera to a Pink Peeps ballgame this weekend and the star player did not disappoint!! She was focused, determined, and very dirty by the end of the game. Here are the warm-ups:

She stuck out her tongue everytime she threw the ball!! Now, here's the at-bat. Player #7 gets ready at the plate...

And she gets a hit off the pitcher!!!! Look at that face!

Running to first...


She made it to home to score for the Pink Peeps and had a couple of good plays in the outfield. Meaning she wasn't drawing snowmen in the dirt and actually grabbed the ball when it came near her and threw it to first!! When she started flashing the peace sign to me from the infield...

...I knew it was time to put the camera away!!! Thanks for the great game, Pink Peeps!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Raising Green Kids

I truly feel that we need to take care of this planet not just for ourselves, but for our kids and all other future generations. The thought that my kids might not experience the beauty of our planet because we are contributing to its destruction breaks my heart. So we are raising our kids to be good green kids! We constantly talk about recycling (what goes in the recycle bin and what doesn't) and we involve them in everything we do to make this a greener place. They helped construct our compost bin, they are involved in planting and harvesting our garden (and enjoying the fruits of our labors!!), they know to turn the water off when brushing teeth. They know that walking or riding scooters to school helps the planet because it doesn't use gas, they are the ones who constantly remind me to bring in our canvas bags to the grocery store. The reasons behind our decision are transparent to our kids and we constantly talk about taking care of our planet. Case in point...

Last year when Kevin was in kindergarten, they had a pizza party for some event. Kevin doesn't like pizza, so we sent him a yogurt and we always send a plastic spoon. He brings home the container and spoon so we can recycle and rewash the spoon to use again. When lunch was over, a parent was cleaning up the trash on the table and took Kevin's yogurt container and spoon. Kevin protested loudly, saying 'Are you going to recycle that?' The parent looked at him and said 'We don't have those recycle bins in the classroom'. And she proceeded to take his trash. He stood up and took it away from her and said 'I'll take it home so I can recycle it'. Now that makes a mom proud!!

Kayla loves arts and crafts. To the point where no paper is safe when she has scissors in her hand!! We emphasize not wasting the paper by just cutting it hastily and leaving scraps and paper parts all over the floor. So she wanted to have a scrap container so she could use the scraps. She took an oatmeal container out of the recycle bin and wanted to decorate it to use as a scrap container. Not bad for a 5 year old!!

We are not perfect recyclers by any means. And my kids sometimes take showers that are too long. And for that matter, so do I. But we do have a dialogue in our house that is important because knowledge is power!! Here are some cool sites you might want to check out with your kids!

Just For Kids:Recycling Home

Kids REcycle!

Earth Easy-Sustainable Living

Lighter Footstep

Thanks for stopping by! Have a very GREEN Sunday!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Scrapping Green

I often feel a pang of guilt when I want to buy that new scrapping paper that's coming out or those cool new embellishments packaged in a big plastic blister pack. I consider myself an ecologist, a 'green' person, somebody who cares for this precious planet of ours and is trying to make a difference. We recycle, compost, have our own vegetable garden, teach our kids to bring home their plastic spoons to re-use them. So marrying my love of scrapbooking and my love of the planet is sometimes tough. But here are a few 'rules' I try to follow:

1. I don't buy those big paper packs unless I love every single sheet of paper in them. And I usually don't, so I usually don't buy them.
2. Don't buy on a whim. Try to have a reason to buy something. (My husband might disagree with this one, and true...I do still buy stuff on a whim. But i'm trying!!).
3. If a company packages their embellishments in big plastic blister packs, I just don't buy them anymore. I purposely seek out embellishments that are packaged up smaller or I don't get them.
4. When i'm ordering online, I try to split an order with a friend or split supplies with a friend. Saves on shipping and then we don't waste as much.
5. I try to use the packaging for something. This doesn't always happen, but I'm constantly thinking about it. And sometimes I'm successful.

Here are some things i've used the packaging for. Those big plastic packages that chipboard come in, man...that's alot of plastic!! I have used it to make my own acrylic transparent embellishments. I punched out flowers and painted them to add to this layout.

I also used some cardboard that was destined for the trash on this card. And corrugated cardboard is so trendy right now!!

I also used that oh so hot and trendy cardboard to stamp with.

I really think the key to all this is thinking about it first. Before you buy a bunch of stuff you don't need. When my kids clean up the table after lunch or dinner, they are constantly asking...can this be recycled? I love that and I try to think about it too when i'm out shopping. For all kinds of everything, not just scrapping supplies!!

How are you going green?????

Thursday, April 16, 2009

One more Marrakech project

I had to make one more thing with my Marrakech papers from Scrap That! I used a template from Papertrey Ink to make this card case. It's big enough to use as a gift box if you're giving homeade cards. But it's also spacious enough for so many other things. So many...that I can't decide what to put in it! Ha!! So, as it sits empty, i'll show you the outside.

Both the circle stamp and sentiment stamp are from Papertrey Ink. Would be great for homeade treats or a bag of your favorite candies. Or maybe even some candles or a gift card?? My kids have been bugging me to make lemon bars, so maybe i'll add some to this box for a nice little thank you gift!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Some good news and some bad news...

The good news first...I made some creations with my first kit from Scrap That! Lots of Basic Grey Marrakech goodies in this kit, papers, glazed brads, chipboard stickers. What wonderful colors on the papers, rich and bold. And fun to work with!!

I love this photo of my son reading, he is SUCH a bookworm!!

My brother-in-law just started homebrewing and I was lucky enough to get a taste of his first batch. It was very good!!

And one card so far with the kit. I had to try my hand at making those accordian flowers i'm seeing everywhere!!

I have a couple more projects up my sleeve, so stay tuned!! Now for the bad news. My shin splints/sore calves/hurting-muscle-in-my-leg has come back with a vengence. I'm training for a half marathon and haven't run in over a week!! I went and got new shoes today and i'm hoping to get back on the road by this weekend. But my race is in 2 weeks and I haven't put in the mileage. So, we'll see how this pans out. Hopefully things will heal with rest and new shoes should help. Send me some get well soon vibes, will ya?? :-)

Thanks for stopping by!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A couple of toots!!!

I am very excited to toot about a new design team that I got asked to be part of. It's for a scrapbook store called Scrap That!! They carry all sorts of great scrapping goodies in their store and have a new message board and forum. Go check it out and join up! There are some great projects going into the gallery and we'd love to see yours!! I am right now (as soon as I get off the computer) working on some projects with some great Basic Grey Marrakech papers from the store. Come check us out at Scrap That!!

I also just received an email saying that 3 of my layouts are being picked up for publication by Scrapbook News and Reviews!! I am thrilled about that as well!! Look for me in the April issue that will be out soon.

And now i'm going to share some more jumping photos!! I love when my family humors me with my crazy photo requests. So...without further introducing my wonderful hubbie Craig...

My sweet son Kevin...

And my sweet daughter Kayla (who didn't quite get the jumping thing down, but did get the funny face thing down!!)...

I think everyone on the beach that afternoon thought we were loco crazy!!! I think we might be!!