
Monday, April 13, 2009

A couple of toots!!!

I am very excited to toot about a new design team that I got asked to be part of. It's for a scrapbook store called Scrap That!! They carry all sorts of great scrapping goodies in their store and have a new message board and forum. Go check it out and join up! There are some great projects going into the gallery and we'd love to see yours!! I am right now (as soon as I get off the computer) working on some projects with some great Basic Grey Marrakech papers from the store. Come check us out at Scrap That!!

I also just received an email saying that 3 of my layouts are being picked up for publication by Scrapbook News and Reviews!! I am thrilled about that as well!! Look for me in the April issue that will be out soon.

And now i'm going to share some more jumping photos!! I love when my family humors me with my crazy photo requests. So...without further introducing my wonderful hubbie Craig...

My sweet son Kevin...

And my sweet daughter Kayla (who didn't quite get the jumping thing down, but did get the funny face thing down!!)...

I think everyone on the beach that afternoon thought we were loco crazy!!! I think we might be!!


  1. congrats on the dt position chickie! exciting! and whoa..gettin published, too ~ i'm so happy for you ~ you go girl! those photos! just fabulous!

  2. WOW! Quite an honor! You are a fantastic photographer too!!!

  3. Whoo hoo!! YOu go girl!!! YOu know I love your work!! PS, I tagged you on my blog!!!

  4. Yay, congrats on the DT position - must be super exciting for you! And the getting published! You're on a roll!

  5. Mara ~ CONGRATS on your new DT girl! That is sooo COOL! and CONGRATS on the publishing's!! and I LOVE the jumping photos... cant wait to see what you do with them!! :)
    The blog looks great too.. love the new header! :)
    Have a GREAT day.. the treadmill is calling... ok it isnt... my scrap room is.. but I cant listen to it! LOL!!!

  6. You have the bestest family! LOVE those photos!!! And a big congrats on your fantastic scrapping news! I'm a big fan of all your crafty goodness!

  7. I love your scrapbooking! I love your photography! You are totally AMAZING! Congrats!
    Great photo!

  8. Aww! I love all those photos. They will be so cool to scrap Mara! Congrats on the SNR toots!


  9. congrats- I'm not surprised- you're so talented. :) very cool, crazy jumping photos.
