
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Vacation Rocks!!

Yes, a little bit of vacation goes a long way!! It started last Thursday when my kids had a half day to begin their spring break. I took the day off to volunteer in Kayla's kindergarten class for their class egg hunt. The class came over to the park adjacent to their school where we (the parents) hid a bunch of eggs for the kids. I was the official photographer for the event and I ended up taking hundreds of photos. Bet they didn't expect that. Hee hee!! Here's my sweet girl with her duckie basket!

Then as soon as school was out, we loaded up the camper and set off for Santa Barbara. We've camped at the same campground the last 2 Easter weekends and we were off for a third. Nothing a cold beer and the ocean won't cure!!

We did some hanging around the campsite...

A little bit of surf fishing...

Some wave jumping...

Some scooter riding...

Some rock climbing (and of course smiling for the camera)...

And some egg dying!!

We had a great weekend. We did some geocaching, but that's subject for a whole other blog post. Ha!! It was both cold, warm, windy, freezing, and sunny. I, of course, ended up sunburning my feet. They haven't seen sun in SO long!! But it was well worth it. Hope you're having a great weekend and Easter Sunday!!


  1. Mara it looks like you had a GREAT time on your weekend get away!! LOVE the photos!!!

  2. Isn't it great to get away? What a fun activity filled weekend you had! I'm so sad that our spring break is over... I love that last photo of you. Who's the action photographer? hehehe!

  3. Wow, what an awesome break. We have just spent our Easter break relaxing at home. Back to school on Wednesday.

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Happy to get to know you through the PTI blogging group:)

  5. Looks like you've been having a lot of fun! I'm taking a mental note of those clear plastic cups for egg dying....makes for great pictures! :>

  6. Hi Mara! Just double checkin all PTI princess links. Your camping Easter looks like fun. I see you are in California too. I am up near Sacramento.

  7. wow ~ what a great camping trip! lovin your pics chickie and that's so kewl..what a great tradition for easter

  8. How FUN! glad you had a great time, and wonderful photos that show just that. :)
