
Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Last Cake

I finished my cake class with probably the toughest cake so far...figure piping. What the heck is that??? It's making little clowns or figures or people on your cake with frosting. We covered Tootsie Pop lollipops with frosting and made heads with hair, hats, and faces first. Then we piped the bodies on our cake and added the heads. Our teacher made it look sooooooo easy!!! She made figures sitting up, lying down, climbing over the cake, etc. It was really not that easy...LOL!!

My cake looks a bit crowded, but I had to make sure I had 4 people so everybody at home would get a head!! Hee hee!! Here's one clown that is climbing over the side of the cake, he's my favorite. Look at his cute little bum!

He's supposed to be wearing a baseball hat...or maybe it's just a big blob of purple frosting??? Here's another little dude, he's supposed to be popping out of the cake and holding a bunch of balloons. His face got destroyed during the ride home in the car and is not intended to scare any small children...

I also attempted to make a little curly girl sitting down holding some flowers, but she got smashed also during the ride home and won't be shown close up. I don't want my cake to end up on the Cake Wrecks blog!!! Which, by the way, has some of the BEST cake disasters i've ever seen. You will spend hours laughing on this blog, so beware if you're short on time.

I could see making these little figures on cupcakes, wouldn't that be cute for a kids party? This was definitely the hardest lesson and will definitely take some practice. But all in all, I loved my class! I think I might go through cake withdrawl, not having a cake in the house next week. Probably better for my wasitline.

Hope you're having a fabulous Saturday!!


  1. Hahaha I LOVE the evil clown with the balloons!! I'm requesting a cake with only that for Jason's birthday. Those look super hard, I'm impressed!! I really need to get closer to you and your cake decorating.

  2. holy amazing cake batman!!! you have TALENT girl!! love it!

  3. Mara those were to CUTE!! It looks like you had a GREAT time in the class! Your decorating was AMAZING!!!
    Hope your weekend is GREAT!!!

  4. Well I think you did amazing! And you can still have cake in your house, you need practice right? *lol*

  5. Great job that must have taken a long time to do. I always wanted to be able to do a cool cake, but it just never turns out right.

  6. Hey, how did I miss this? What a cute cake! Perfect for any child's birthday... one that isn't afraid of clowns that is (like my daughter), LOL!

  7. This is so cute! Everyone is late today, and dinner isn't made, and I am sooo hungry and this cake is not helping! I love the clowns!

  8. I think it's adorable and love that you needed four people so everyone got a head! I remember those days! Very cute cake!
