
Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Favorite!!

So today's Friday favorites is dedicated to my kids. This is one of their most favorite things in the whole world...when daddy makes them fruit animals!!!

Craig makes the best fruit animals and he has made so many of them. And let me tell you, he has never made a duplicate! Today were little baby birds with watermelon, peaches, and blueberries. I guessed penguins and I was pretty close. I'll have to dig out the old photos from last summer, but he does such a great job. Mangos make great turtle shells, apples make great get the idea. They just love them so much and what a sweet dad!!!

Hope you're having a great Friday. Hopefully there will be more fruit animals to share this summer!!


  1. oh this is too cute!!!! I love it!

  2. Oh CUTE are those.. YEAH DAD... I want to see more!! But I wont show my kiddos they may want ME to make them too! HA HA!!
    Happy WEEKEND!!!

  3. Too cute!

    I have an award for you on my blog.

  4. Yeah, Craig!
    What fun for the kids! It looks soooo refreshing on such a hot day, like today!

  5. What a sweet daddy and love these little creatures!
