
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In The Kitchen

I spent some time in the kitchen this past weekend, cooking up some goodies. Let's start with this...

Freshly picked that morning!!! YUM! My mom recently told me all about freezer jam and I had to make it. It calls for ALOT less sugar than regular jam and you can actually taste the fruit. She even gave me the freezer jam pectin, which is a good thing. I can't find it anywhere!! Regardless...the strawberries turned into this...

Strawberries + sugar + pectin + freezer = such great sweet fruit jam you can't resist.

And since I had my apron on, I decided to make some cinammon rolls. And guess what...a little helper showed up!!

Thanks to her Baki, she already KNOWS how to roll the dough, so MOM you DON'T need to help ME anymore. Geez. You just have to make sure you're wearing a cute skirt when you're doing it. And you know the best way to cut cinammon rolls...with dental floss!!

You get a clean cut everytime. And here's the product before baking. Good enough to eat already!! after baking photo. They disappeared too quickly!!! Thanks for stopping by, friends!


  1. I have to say that last photo of her delighted, proud face is the best! Although I've read the dental floss tip, I've never attempted it, but I can see how amazingly it really works by these pics.

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time!!! :)

  3. YUMMY!!! :) DANG I am sorry I missed the cinn. rolls.. call sooner next time!! HA HA!!
    Off to make some peach jam.. I havent got it out of my mind since you sent it to me!! ALONG time ago! HA HA!!!

  4. Wow looks great! And I love your new profile pic- gorgeous!

  5. okay, that is just too delish!

    so you put in the freezer and take it out as you use it?
