
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baby Shower Cake

I made a baby shower cake for a friend at work last week and I was so nervous!! It was the first time i've made a cake for somebody else and I was freaking out. She said she'd like chocolate, so I decided on a chocolate sheet cake with whipped cream + chocolate chip filling. And seriously, so many things to worry about! Would the cake dry out? Would everybody like it? Would it be too soggy with the filling? Would it feed everyone? Would it fit in the fridge at work? Would it fall over in the car on the drive over there? AHHH!!! But...I made it through and here's the cake!!

And it fit in the fridge at work AND it didn't fall over in the car! Hee hee!! I did a spray of sweet peas in the corner...

And a shell top and bottom border with added decorative dots...

And a sleeping baby!! My kids were looking at my Hello Cupcake book when I told them I was making a cake and found these super cute little babies. I had to include one!

My daughter even pulled out the Teddy Grahams from the pantry and told me I had to give the baby a teddy bear!! The blanket is a few Starburst candies rolled out and stretched over a marshmallow. The head is a vanilla wafer laying on half a marshmallow. Thankfully the cake was a big hit. It was moist without being soggy and the frosting was perfect. Yeah!! But I do think I have a few more grey hairs because of it...hee hee!!

Thanks for stopping by! Tomorrow will be my projects from Color Me Daisy!!


  1. Girl, you are rawkin the cakes and cupcakes!!! This is adorable!!

  2. Mara that cake is stinkin awesome!!!! Wow!!! And the filling sounds AMAZING!!!!!!!!

  3. That is such a sweet cake. I bet it was a hit and there was none left over.

  4. Wow! That looks and sounds delicious!

  5. This is beautiful! And that sleeping baby is adorable, great job!!

  6. Cute!! I love the fall colors and the baBy is adorable -- the little teddy bear is perfect!!

  7. Mara this is sooo CUTE!! I LOVE it! YEAH for the teddy bear! (great idea Kayla!)

  8. Adorable cake!! Love your layouts, too! You have been super busy!
