
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holiday Hangover!!!

Wow, that was fun!!! We had a wonderful holiday this year. My kids are old enough to really 'get it' and they were so much fun this year. LOTS of loud yelling and screaming when they opened certains gifts and saw what Santa left them. It was too fun!! Here they are with the big puffy stuffed animals from Santa...

Santa also brought them The Claw. It's a mini version of that claw grabber game you see at the Arcade (where nobody ever wins!!) and it's been going non-stop since Christmas morning. The song it plays is LOUD and there is NO volume adjustment. I must talk to Santa about that...

And Santa never forgets to add Holiday M&M guys to the stockings!

One of Kevin's favorite gifts is a book we got him called Oh Yuck! It's all about gross stuff like farts and boogers and poop and vomit...this was his face when he realized a WHOLE section was dedicated to vomit. AWESOME!!! sunk my Battleship!!!

After the dust settled at home, we went over to my brother-in-laws for a fun, family dinner and celebration!! The weather was gorgeous, Kayla wore her short sleeved dress and sandals and swore she wasn't cold.

And look at this gorgeous dinner table that my sister-in-law set!! Beautiful!!!!

And one last photo, this one of my niece and my daughter. They got these blingy, glittery, COOL shirt and tights from their Grandma and they looked so great together!

Thanks for making it through all those photos!! We had a fabulous time, thanks to all our family for spoiling us completely. We are dealing with the aftermath of bags and boxes and tissue paper and plastic wrap all over the house. But there are no more questions of 'What Can I Do NOW', which is my daughter's favorite thing to say. Because both kids have so many fun things to explore. Hope you all had a great holiday this year. I have some recipes to share with you soon, so stay tuned!!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It looks like a really fantastic holiday! I need to do a rundown on my blog, too. I love them playing battleship under the tree!

  2. Awwww... too cute! Merry Christmas Mara!

  3. Christmas is really all about the kids, but it looks like you all had a great time! Happy New Year!

  4. What cute, happy smiling faces. Glad you all had such a wonderful Christmas :)

  5. Great Christmas photos Mara! Glad it was MERRY!

  6. Great pictures! So glad you had a fab. Christmas!

  7. Looks like a great time was had by all! The mini-claw is an excellent idea, my kids always want to play that! Have I told you Mara is my dtrs name? hehe

  8. what fabulous pics chickie! and wowza ..that table is gorgeous! glad to hear you had an awesome christmas ~ and may 2010 be filled with lots of love and laughter! i'm looking forward to another scrappin happy bloggin year with ya!


  9. Hi Mara,

    Sounds like your November/December has been very magical! I hope your New Year is even more amazing than the last! Happy Crafting friend!

  10. Oh how fun! :) Looks like your kids were on the good list this year!

  11. Merry Christmas to you Mara! Thanks for your very lovely comment at blog. I am so grateful that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas

    Happy new Year to you@

  12. Oh Mara I LOVED all the photos.. Amadna LOVES the Claw.. ha ha!!
    Happy New Year!

  13. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!! Love the pictures!!! :)
