
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blueberry Streusel Scones

I was in the mood to make something with blueberries this weekend. Maybe blueberries remind me of summer and it was actually sunny out this past weekend. So I hunted around the internet for a while and finally decided on THIS recipe from the Joy of Baking website. I actually followed the recipe and they came out perfect.

I used frozen blueberries, because I had no fresh ones. The topping added a nice little sweet crunch without being too much.

I ate one fresh out of the oven, when it was still hot. It was delicious. The rest I sealed tight in a lock and lock tupperware and stored in the fridge for breakfast the next morning. After heating them up for 30 seconds in the microwave, they were still delicious. I was worried they would get stale and soggy with the topping, but nope!! Just plain yummy.

My son loved cranberries and asked if I would make some cranberry scones next time. I think that would be good, too. Put that on my list of things to bake soon!!

Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. MMMmmm scones are my fav. Nothing is better with coffee.

  2. There you go, wowing me with your cooking skillz yet again!! I love scones!!

  3. ok those look totally amazing and yummy!!! I want one

  4. I have baking envy Mara!!!! They look delicious

  5. Yum! Those look good :) I have loved checking out your blog, so much inspiration on here for two of my fave things - cooking and scrapping. I am definately going to have to try those oreo cheescakes!

  6. Ooh, cranberries would be good! Lots of possibilities with this recipe.

  7. Oh YUM!!! I'm coming to your house for breakfast in the morning!! LOL!! You have some mad baking skills lady!!

  8. Hi Mara! Your blog always makes me hungry! these look good!

  9. Those look delicious! I'm with your son...cranberries sound really good! I've been wanting to make scones too...thanks for the link to the recipe!

  10. Love blueberries, and streusel kicks everything up a notch! :)

  11. Those look YUMMY! I'm the only one in my family who will eat scones... Oh well, MORE for ME! hehehe!

  12. I love scones, those look great! Do you use a special pan to cook scones?

  13. Oh Mara, These look delicious. I love blueberries. Could you send me one for my breakfast tomorrow morning :)

  14. I love scones! Blueberry are my fave, but I have never made them at panera all the time though ;)

  15. Oh Yummie...Blueberrys are my have a wonderful blog.. A bit of everything!! Lots of talent and imagination..

    Thank you for the nice comment you left me on my JUGS template :)

  16. YUMMY Mara.. We LOVE scones.. and I have blueberries from picking last summer... and the cranberry sound good too.. and raspberry.. blackberry..oh my!! Now my oatmeal for breakfast doesnt sound near as good! LOL! I gotta try these! :)
    Have a GREAT day!!
