
Friday, January 15, 2010

Year in Review 2009

At the end of the year, there were lots of favorite lists going on in the blogosphere. Favorite layouts of the year, favorite recipes, favorite songs, favorite moments...I could go on and on!! While I didn't get to that on my blog, I did decide to make a year in review layout. I've been interested in photo collages for some time, now that I have photoshop. I downloaded a few from Scrapbooks Etc., but it wasn't working for the whole year in review concept in my head. I wanted LOTS of photos on my layout!!

So...I played around in photoshop a bit. I picked out a bunch of my favorite photos from 2009 and resized them all to 1 inch x 1.5 inches. I then opened a blank 8x10 template and dragged all my little photos onto the template. It took me some time to get them all arranged how I liked, but they eventually all fit. I saved it as a jpg file and then got it printed at Costco. And I love how it turned out!!! Here's the layout I did with the collage...

From the top left corner, it goes through the year and I tried to touch on our highlights for 2009. And the page just needed a few embellies to dress it up.

I also added strip journaling and I tried to touch on important or memorable things we did over the year. I know I didn't hit it all, but I think I got quite a few of our favorite things! I was totally inspired by Laura Vegas and her layouts using photos collages. After making the collage, the layout itself took me about 10 minutes to put together. This is definitely something I will be doing again. Maybe even go back and do it for previous years, if i'm feeling sassy. Hee hee!!

Happy Friday to you all!! I am headed to a scrapbooking expo tomorrow with some friends and i'm super excited about that. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love the LO. Such a good idea! Have a great time at the expo.

  2. What a great idea! This will be treasured for many years to come!

  3. Wow Wow! Mara, that is so cool! What a fantastic page to look back with!

  4. What a fun layout! Love the idea of doing all of one year on a page!

  5. I LOVE this!!! It's fantastic....I never would have thought of getting a big collage pic printed out like that. Giving me ideas.....

  6. This turned out great! I love the collage idea

  7. Mara, this is such a fun collage LO! I love the rhinestone floral & the flower at the end :) What an awesome idea to shrink the photos down so teensy weensy! :) TFI

  8. I hope you had a fantastic time at the scrapbook expo! I just love you year in a review layout!

  9. Very Cool page Mara! What a great concept and CHALLENGE! to get all those photo's on to one layout!

  10. Great layout! I wanted to get moving on my 2009 in review this weekend...

  11. I love it Mara--great job on making your own photo collage :)

  12. I absolutely love your year in review layout!! Awesome work my friend!!!!

  13. Mara - this is one fabulous layout! I love it! And I just love your blog!! what a creative soul you are with all your baking and crafting! XOXO Niki

  14. What a great idea! I love it!!!

  15. wowza chickie! that's one rawkin kewl lo! look at all those pics! awesome work!
