
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Organize Your Heart crop at Color Me Daisy

So...there is one last online crop at Color Me Daisy and it starts today. Come on over to the message board to Organize Your Heart! My challenge has been posted on the board, it's called Organize Your Photos. The challenge is to use a photo collage on your layout AND use the word Love in your title.

Here's my example:

I used scraps from the January kit to complete this layout. I also downloaded a photo collage template from Scrapbooks Etc. They are super easy to use. I just opened my template in photoshop and dragged and dropped my photos into the spots. I enjoyed using those chipboard cupcakes that came in the January kit!

So come on over to Color Me Daisy for one last online crop!!! See you there!


  1. Love how you used the Maya Road cupcake Mara!!! This is great.

  2. Awesome layout..I will have to go to Color me Daisy and check it out. I have been trying to get back into scrapbooking but lost my mojo for it..Maybe this will help ..Thank you for the inspiration

    PS~ Everytime I log on to your page it even smells

  3. What a fun layout! Those cupcakes are very cute!

  4. I just realized those pink cupcakes are little piggies!! How stinkin' cute! Love the LO too :)

  5. "Happiness DOES come in bite-sized" no truer words have been said! Love it! Love cupcakes too.

  6. Super fun and yummy LO, love thos chipboard cuppies and rhinestones!

  7. I love this scrapbook page, it's just fabulous. Lucy (MUnyip Makes) x

  8. Mara I LOVE it!! The LO and the YUMMY cupcakes!!!!

  9. your Lo is making me hungry. awesome job with the chipboard cupcakes

  10. Oh drool drool drool drool drool drool! Love this layout! and totally loving those alphas you have used! Love the panda cupcake!
