
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sweet Melissa Sunday-Sugar Cookies

This week for Sweet Melissa Sunday the recipe was for sugar cookies. I have never met a sugar cookie I didn't like. And even if I didn't like it, I ate it. Ha ha!! So I was excited to try this recipe. I have been making sugar cookies since I was little with my mom and was interested to try a new recipe. Nina from Nina' Cupcakes picked the recipe this week. If you want more info on the recipe, please check out her blog!!

I had high hopes of using this sugar cookie dough for a fruit tart, but time slipped away from me this week. Plus, I really wanted to use a tart pan, but I don't have one. SO...I ended up making these swirled sugar cookies with the dough.

I first saw this idea on Heather's blog, Sprinkle Bakes. I colored half the dough red and kept the other half plain. I rolled out both halves into equal sized rectangles. I placed the red on the white and then rolled it up, like a jelly roll. I them attempted to roll the roll in sprinkles. Um...yeah. That didn't work out too well!!! The sprinkles did not want to stick.

I sliced the roll into cookies and before baking them, I rolled each slice in sprinkles again trying to get more to stick!! They baked up nice and crisp on the outside but soft on the inside. It was a decent tasting cookie, could have been a tad sweeter for my taste. But they were eye-catching and everybody wanted to try one. I think they would have been good with a bit of peppermint extract along with the red food coloring. Just to add a little more flavor.

If you want to see what the other SMS bakers did this week, check out the blog roll call HERE. It was a decent cookie but i'm not sure I will switch over from my tried and true sugar cookie recipe. But it was definitely fun trying something new. And these would be really cute for a kids birthday party or green for St.Patty's day or in pastel colors for spring.

Thanks for stopping by and have a sweet Sunday!!


  1. Simply gorgeous! I l-o-v-e your coookies. They are so bright and colorful..they make me happy!
    Im glad you enjoyed this recipe, I did too. Like you, I have a tried and true sugar cookie recipe I always use. This was fun to try something different! I have never met ANY cookie I didn't like, or not eat!

  2. Your spirals turned out great! I agree, I love my tried and true sugar cookies the most. I think next time I try these I'll use some cocoa powder in the color part and dip half in chocolate. They are almost a shortbread and could stand a bit more flavor. So glad you tried them!!

  3. Wow, I missed a lot of yummy and scrappy goodness this week! I love the layout! How do you get your kids to pose for you? My kids run when the camera comes out! LOL!

  4. Those are beautiful! Would be cute for a little girl's tea party :)

  5. Thank you for baking with me this week! These cookies look so adorable! I love the spirals and the sprinkles.

  6. Your cookies are beautiful! So fun and creative.

  7. Very creative! Love the colors!

  8. Oh my gosh! Your cookies are beautiful! They would be great Valentine's cookies. I passed on this. Hubby is not a sugar cookie fan and I am trying to cut back on how much I spend on baking.

  9. Oh. my. god. These look so incredible Mara! I'm drooling here. I love sugar cookies (with a twist) too. And yours are really inspiring me to go bake something!

  10. I love what you did with these cookies! Great idea, especially to color the dough pink and roll in the sprinkles! I enjoyed these a lot too, but like you, I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to sugar cookies :)

  11. Definitely eye catching and FUN! I love the idea and your flavor combo could go many different directions with this. The sprinkles are a perfect addition.

  12. Mara they are beautiful! And I agree I never met a sugar cookie I didn't like!

  13. These look great!!!!!!!! Lucy (munyip Makes) x

  14. These cookies are so cute! I need to try them too! I love Heather's blog!

  15. I think sugar cookies may be my absolute favorite kind of cookie and those looks so fun too!
