
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Love Bandits

Today has been an exciting day!! I officially became an aunt again. My sister had her two baby girls this morning, tipping the scales at almost 6 pounds each. They were born 30 minutes apart and I cannot wait to meet them! Molly Rose and Harbour Rose are their names. It's times like these that I wish we lived closer. She lives all the way across the country from us and it's killing me that I can't go visit this very second!! Both mom and babies are doing well and I hope to talk to my sister again soon. In the meantime, I will live vicariously through her facebook page. Hee hee!!

In honor of my new nieces, I have a layout about them! can't really see them because my sister is still pregnant in these photos. This was at her going away party last fall. I love these pics of my kids and her!

These are wonderful Love Bandit papers from Bo Bunny. I just love the colors!! I put my circle punches to work to make this fun border and added in some Bo Bunny diecut stickers and buttons.

And I also have a card to share that I made using the same Bo Bunny papers. I tried making one of those trendy accordian flowers, too!

I love it!! It does add quite a bit of bulk to the card...think I can still fit it into an envelope??

I wish I had some photos of the new babies to share, but I don't yet. I am hoping my mom will send me some. She is lucky enough to be there, holding those sweet bundles right now.

Hope you all had a great Tuesday. Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Congrats on the new nieces. I'm sure they are an absolute bundle of sweetness :)

  2. Congrats on the nieces! Cute names...Rose as a middle name goes well with almost anything(though I might be partial because that was my mom's name)! Cute page layout and are so talented:)

  3. Congratulations on the new nieces!! Being an Aunty is the best! I am sure that they will be the subject of some of your beautiful creations very soon. Love the LO and the card.

  4. Oh I love the circles sprinkled throughout!!! I adore the fresh springy card!!

  5. congrats!! I love the card and love the little onesies that you did too ~ especially that little balloon one! So fun!

  6. congrats Mara!!! Love the circle boarder on your LO!!!

  7. Great layout! Congrats on the new nieces.

  8. Congrats! So exciting! Hope you'll get to visit them soon. Love your layout and the fun card!

  9. Congrats! Faboo layout! Love how you did the circles across the page! So cute!

  10. Cute projects! Love the accordion flower :)

  11. Congratulations!! 6 lbs a piece wow..a nice size for twins :)...I love that you did this layout in honor of your nieces..This is very special.And your layout is beautiful ..Great job!!

    P.s. Im not sure if you noticed on my blog but you inspired me to make pretzels if you have time check it out lol.. Thanks again

  12. AUNTIE MARA!! how EXCITING!!! CONGRATS to the new family! I ADORE the LO and Card.. those photos are so SWEET!!!
    Have a GREAT day!

  13. Gorgeous LO and I love the card, the colors are so fun! Big congrats to you and your sister!

  14. Yeah! What wonderful happy news. Your sister is a ROCK star for carrying two six pound babies!!!! Love the sweet layout and pretty card :)

  15. What adorable names! GREAT layout and card. I'm glad to hear that mom and babies are doing well!!!

  16. Congrats and I love the names too! What a sweet card and lo. . .and she is SURE to love the frames and onesise you've made! LOVE them (really makes me want a cricut - bad!). =)

  17. Congratulations Mara x2 :) All of these creations are beautiful! I especially love your folded 3-d flower & all the bling!

  18. yeah for new nieces that is exciting!!! Congrats.. and LOVE your creations.. the page and the card!! fun details going on.. you rocked the line

  19. Wow what inspiring work! Glad I stumbled onto your blog via Sarah Lous' blog. ;)
