
Thursday, March 25, 2010

What to do with all those Girl Scout cookies...

It's the most wonderful time of the year...Girl Scout cookie time!!! Which are your favorite? Thin mints? Samoas? Tagalogs? When else do you pay $4 for a box of 12 cookies?? My absolutely favorite is thin mints. Yum, yum, yum. And I overdid it this year and bought 7 boxes. Did I need 7 boxes...probably not!! So while I was looking at my extra boxes the other day I was thinking...what can I do with these??? I made thin mint cupcakes, of course!!

Don't they look divine??? Look at that big puff of mint vanilla buttercream. I also made Rolo cupcakes, just because I had a bag of rolos calling my name...

And how FUN is that plate? I just got it at Home Goods and I love the shape. I used The Pioneer Woman's chocolate cake recipe for the cupcakes. Yes, it's the best ever. For the thin mint cupcakes, I crushed up a roll of thin mints and added it to the batter. I also made vanilla buttercream with a tsp of peppermint extract.

For the Rolo cupcakes, I dropped 3 unwrapped Rolos into each cupcake tin before baking. The frosting is vanilla buttercream with a Rolo on top for extra cuteness. Each cupcake had a Rolo surprise inside when you bit into it.

Look at these cuties. Side by side...some of my most favorite things...chocolate, vanilla buttercream, mint, caramel. It's enough to bring a tear to my eye!

I brought the majority of these to work and won Employee of the Week! WooHoo!! They were both delicious, it would be hard to pick a favorite. But the next time your extra boxes of girl scout cookies are staring at you...put them in a cupcake!

Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. These look absolutely beautiful! I love how you integrated the cookies/Rolos INTO the chocolate batter. So smart and creative. I love it!

    I'm a Samoas girl. My Granny used to love Do-si-Dos, but she called them So-do-I's LOL.

  2. Mara, These look heavenly. Hmmm...I'm gonna have to go find some girl scouts and buy some cookies. Yummy!

  3. These look so delicious, love the simplicity~~ YUMMMMM

  4. Holy cow, your buttercream looks divine! What a scrumptious idea to put the cookies and rollos right into the cupcakes! I bet they were awesome. DH did come home with a bunch of girl scout cookies, and even though we froze some, they are ALL gone :0!!

  5. The idea of extra cookies does not compute, but those cupcakes look delicious!

  6. Extra cookies?!!! We don't have a problem with extra cookies HERE! Hehehe...

    Your cupcakes are always so beautiful!

  7. Now I wish I had bought more cookies this year. DH would love the mint cupcakes. And the presentation is gorgeous!

  8. Mara, I saw this and thought of you... you must check this out!

  9. mmmm..... yuuummmm! and i love homegoods- always fun finds in that store. :)

  10. Thin mints are my favorite too! The cupcakes sound delicious and look great!

  11. Now Mara! I KNOW these are not on my diet! I certainly would have to try them though especially the one with the Rolo on top! mmmm :)

  12. Oh yummy! Those cupcakes are gorgeous. I would love to sink my teeth into that icing/frosting.

  13. I have a pie recipe that uses Thin Mint cookies. It's the first recipe I blogged about when I began blogging. I've had it since I was a girl.

    These look delicious. Rolo's and Thin Mints. YUM!

  14. Hi Mara! These look awesome! Too bad I ate all my GS cookies. My faves are samoas.

  15. YUM Mara.. those look SO GOOD!!!
