
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Papertrey Princess Challenge

I am lucky enough to be in a blog group with some amazingly talented stampers and scrappers and crafters. They are the Papertrey Princesses and I met them in the Papertrey Ink forums. We support each other by commenting on our projects and blogs and just being each others cheerleaders. I have met so many wonderful girls through this blog group. Thanks PT Princesses!!! Go visit their blogs (all the blogs are on my sidebar to the right), you will definitely be inspired.

Every couple of weeks we throw out a challenge for each other. I love the challenges, but can't always find time to complete one. But not this time!! Valerie gave us a Neutrals Only challenge...only black, white, kraft, cream...but no colors.

Here is my card:

I realized after the card was all adhered that the inner layer is actually smokey shadow color, not black like I thought. But when it's already glued down, you have to go with the flow!

I love to layer that butterfly and I added some silver stickles to the wings. The ribbon is some that I saved from a Christmas present wrapping and I'm so glad I saved it. It was the perfect colors for this challenge!

Thanks Val for the great challenge!! And if you ever need some stamping or crafting inspiration, check out the PTI Princesses. They will knock your socks off!


  1. Fabulous take on the challenge! LOVE the butterflies!

  2. Mara I LOVE this!!... you know that butterfly is one of my FAVORITES!!
    Have a GREAT day!

  3. Umm.. Absolutely Fabulous is a perfect description for this card!!! WOW! Gorgeous and incredible would be some other words I would think of.

  4. Oh, that is a beautiful card! I love the layers, but it's not too bulky. Great job.

  5. I love this, Mara. It's stunning!

  6. OMG Mara, you rocked this challenge. I love the butterfly pretty. And I used grey on my neutral card too, so you weren't alone! IU save wrapping and ribbon from gifts all the time too!

  7. Gorgeous! I love it...I really need to play along, I've been so bad not joining in the challenges. Love yours!

  8. I love the card Mara! The colors and the butterfly is so elegant! The stickles really finishes the whole thing off nicely!

    As for the smokey shadow vs black... That's a problem I have too, since I scrap at night, lol! I keep running into the kitchen so I can compare the colors of my papers. I really need one of those sunshine lamps.

  9. Mara, this is gorgeous!! I love every thing about it - what a fantastic card! I have been so terrible with the challenges recently, but this one really looks fun! Thank *you* for the inspiration!! :)

  10. You totally rocked this challenge... total awesomeness

  11. Stunning Mara! That butterfly is absolutely gorgeous!

  12. Mara, I'm a bit behind on my comments. I absolutely love this card. You really rocked the challenge. Thanks for playing along. Fabulous!

  13. So pretty! It's amazing what you did with this challenge. Gorgeous!!
