
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Snickerdoodle Cake

If you ask my husband what kind of cookies he will go 1 of 2 ways. Either chocolate chip or snickerdoodle. If I did a statistical analysis on all his answers over the past 10 years, I think snickerdoodle might edge out chocolate chip. So...for his birthday I decided to make a Snickerdoodle Cake. And low and behold, I found a great recipe on the internet! Now i'm convinced you can find anything on the internet. I found a recipe for Snickerdoodle Bundt Cake on the Dozen Flours blog. I was a little hesitant to make a bundt cake for a birthday cake, but then decided to just go for it. Yeah, i'm crazy like that.

The key to this cake being super fabulous was after you grease the pan, you dust it with a cinnamon/sugar mix. And it created this wonderful sugary crust on the outside of the cake after you tip it out of the pan. Heaven!!!

You layer 1/2 of the batter in the pan, sprinkle on the cinnamon/sugar mix, then layer the other 1/2 of the batter. You end up with a layer of cinnamon-y goodness in the middle of the cake.

This cake was amazing. It was moist and sweet on the inside with a crunchy sugary crust. JUST like a snickerdoodle cookie! My husband said it was the best cake he's ever eaten. We ate it with a big scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. Oh man, was it good! If you were feeling sassy, you could pass it off as a coffee cake and then be justified to actually eat cake for breakfast.

I highly recommend this cake. It was wonderful. Yeah for recipes on the internet!!! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh my gosh! A Snickerdoodle cake?? I've got to try this once I get back - sounds fabulous!! :)

  2. Oh I am SO making this one Mara. Amazing! and I don't even like cake...(well cheesecake doesn't count, does it?)
    You rock (and your food photos are gorgeous!)

  3. hmmmm I always hear about this snickerdoodle thing - have to google it I think. Cake looks heavenly!!!

  4. Sugary crust? I am so there!

  5. Oh, YUM!!! Man, your blog is not good for my waistline! hehe


    I must make this!

  7. YUM!! It sounds WONDERFUL!! You gotta LOVE the internet!! I so gotta try this recipe!!!
    Happy Birthday Craig!!
    Have a GREAT day Mara!

  8. Ok you have me sold! My son loves snickerdoodle cookies so much. I know he will go crazy about this one. Thanks for sharing..Im adding this recipe to my baking list!

  9. YUM! I can just imagine this warm with vanilla ice cream... SUPER YUM!
    Happy Birthday to Craig!

  10. yuuum! this really does sound amazing (and looks like it!). after finding a black bean and avocado brownie recipe- i'm with ya about being able to find anything on the internet. ha ha!

  11. My goodness Mara! This cake looks so tempting! I sure could go for a piece of it right now with my morning coffee! I have to run to wipe the drool up! :)

  12. This looks like one I could actually do and YUM!

  13. Oh, I MUST make this cake. I love Snickerdoodles. I am constantly trying to find a snikerdoodle recipe that will make ones like they used to sell at LHS. Big, crunchy, chewy, with the wonderful holes in the inside. My idea of a perfect snikerdoodle = cafateria food. How crazy is that?

  14. I love snickerdoodles! This cake looks awesome!

  15. I love bundt cake, and yours looks beautiful! Your photos are great! I have a cake stand just like that:)
