
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Babies 2.0

Wow, coming home from vacation is tough. Tough getting back into the swing of things, tough finding clean underwear, tough waking up on time!! But we are back and had a great time on the East Coast. I finally got to meet my two nieces, Molly and Harbour. They are about 3 months old and just the cutest little things you will ever see. Do you want to meet them???

Here's Molly Rose...

And here's Harbour Rose:

And here they are with ginormous bows and flowers on their heads!!

It's really such a trip to see my sister with 2 babies. I mean, 2 of them!! It would be weird if she just had 1...but 2??? She and her hubbie are doing such a great job with them. They are really very happy babies, if they are fed and dry. Holding them pretty much makes the whole world right with them. And they are 'talking' and responding to toys and so bright eyed. I definitely did my share of holding them and playing. My daughter was absolutely smitten with them both!

We had a fabulous time in Maine and we also spent a few days in Boston, exploring the city and all the history. Oh, and drinking FREE beer at the Samual Adams Boston Brewery. You can't beat free pitchers of beer! I hope to catch up with all of your blogs in the next few days, I feel very out of the loop. I go back to work tomorrow, so reality will really hit me in the morning!

Thanks for stopping by, friends!!


  1. I love that last photo...SO adorable!

  2. What beautiful little girls, such big eyes and smile that melts my heart!! And those bows!! They will never go out of style..I have 3 girls that are all grown up and all 3 of them wore those bows...Welcome back from holidays I start mine in 7 sleeps but whose counting :)

  3. oh gosh they are precious! congrats auntie!!!!

  4. They are just adorable!!! Glad you have a great trip!

  5. Such cut, happy little baby girls! So wonderful that you were finally able to see them.

  6. They are adorable! I am so glad you got to go spend time with Sarah and those two cutie pies!

  7. Mara they are so CUTE! Glad you had such a WONDERFUL trip!!! Welcome back!!
