
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A cake and some stuff...

One more day down...a liiiittle bit closer to Friday. My kids are on the countdown until Friday, it's the last day of school! That means summer is almost here. Today my daughter had her picnic, Thursday is my son's picnic. And because I haven't posted any photos of my kids in a while, here are a few!

Isn't she lovely????? She was so cooperative taking photos a few weekends ago, I loved it! I used alot of actions from Coffeeshop Photography for these photos. Rita at Coffeeshop Photography offers her actions FOR FREE! Isn't that amazing? I love her blog, go check it out immediately!!

Notice any of my son yet??? Well, that's because he doesn't let me take photos anymore. Who is he? A too-cool-for-school-almost-3rd-grader??? I have to get him in action, when he doesn't think i'm looking.

He ran track this spring and had a good time! And on another random note, a friend of mine needed a cake for a neighborhood party and I volunteered to make it. I stressed out about it for 3 days, but got it done. It was supposed to be a 2-tiered cake, but the smaller tier that was going on top had issues. Serious issues. Like serious issues at 10pm the night before I needed to deliver it so no time to rebake it. So...only 1-tier for this cake.

And because I can't leave well enough alone...I made some chocolate cupcakes for her as well.

Milk chocolate ganache filled chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting and mini chocolate chips on be exact.

I realized I am much better on a smaller scale (cupcakes) and making/decorating cakes really takes practice!! That's about it for my random post today. Hope you're having a great week...thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. Both of your children are so beautiful Mara! Your daughter looks like her Momma :) Your son looks great out there on the track - what an awesome photo! All the sweets look amazing & scrumptious as ever :)

  2. Your children look great! I love your DD's freckles! Those cupcakes look DELIGHTFUL!

  3. Your daughter is such a beauty and your son looks very professional in his track action photo. The cake is lovely, but it was those cupcakes that made me want to jump in the picture. ;P

  4. OMG I want that cake...and what stunning photos

  5. Your daughter looks just like you! She is so cute. Your son is adorable as well.

  6. Your kids are beautiful and your treats look delicious as always.

  7. Your goodies look delicious, and you sure have some cute kids! Your daughter looks like a mini you:)

  8. I discovered Rita's PSE actions this week Mara and have been downloading and learning like mad! What a great resource! Your children are so incredibly good looking...and apparently just as talented as their mother. Woo hoo!
    Can I just come over and eat at your house every night? *drool*

  9. Your kids and your cakes are gorgeous, LOL! Love the flowers on the cake, very pretty! Thanks for the link for the actions.

  10. Wow what beautiful kids....And those yummy cakes...I can't believe your kids are out of school already our last day is June 29th... Have a Happy Hump Day :)

  11. Mara, your daughter is so beautiful! And I love the cake, but those cupcakes... YUM! I'll take one of those, please, hehehe... I'm glad your son had a fun time in track!
    My son's last day is the 24th... UGH! 2 more weeks! Come on SUMMER!

  12. You have such beautiful children! My word, that cake looks fantastic! And those cupcakes look and sound delicious. You had me at Ganache....yuuummmmmmm.....

  13. great photos of your little beauty, and perhaps he doesn't pose, but you got an awesome action shot of your son. great cake and cupcakes- they look delicious, as always. :)

  14. How come I always leave your blog hungry!!! hehe Oh, have you seen the yummy cheesecake on the 'whatever' blog. I have the link on my sidebar. Man, I'm gonna get fat this summer!!

  15. Mara I LOVE the photos!! I need to check out that blog you mentioned.. and your cake looks FABULOUS.. and those cupcakes.. oh my.. I HOPE she saved ME one! HA! :)
    Yeah for almost friday!!!

  16. Your kiddos are both too cute! Love the cake,it's so pretty.

  17. Don't you just love their free actions!!! It helps that you're an excellent photographer though ;)
