
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kings Canyon National Park

A few weeks ago, we loaded up the trailer and hit the road. We were headed to Kings Canyon National Park. It's connected to Sequoia National Park and it's one of the most beautiful places on earth. The Kings River is amazing and it winds through some beautiful areas. Fishing, hiking, white water rafting, cave can do it all here. My hubbie and I have been there, but it was the first time for my kids. Our campsite backed up to a small creek, and about 50 yards beyond that was the Kings River. It was stunning. Except for the mosquitos that ate me alive, but that's a different story.

Want to see???

I really struggled with my photos on this trip, it was very shady in some places, shadowy in others. Sometimes I was in complete shade, trying to take a photo of something in full sunlight. I did alot of messing around with settings on my camera. I need lots of practice with this!!

It took me a while to 'fix' some photos in photoshop. I am trying to take better photos so I don't have to do so much messing around with them later.

I think this last one is one of my favorites. We were inside a huge hollowed out sequoia tree and this was the view looking out a peep hole. Pretty cool!

So, have you ever taken a photography class? I have been looking at Jessica Sprague classes and also Big Picture Scrapbooking classes. I really need a class, I think, to just get a handle of all the photography stuff. If you have taken a class you liked, let me know! I'd love to check it out!!

Thanks for sitting through this epic photo post!!!


  1. Wow! Your photos are gorgeous! My favorite one is of your kids playing in the creek! Looks like a great time!

    I have never taken a photo course but then again I only have a point and shoot! Some day I'll get a better camera. I know that Karen Russell also offers an online class and she takes amazing photos.

  2. I think you did a great job! The photos are fabulous. It looks like a wonderful place! I took Candice Stringham's class at Jessica Sprague's site and really liked it a lot.

  3. WOW Mara! What amazing photos! I think my favorite is the last one too! You all look like you had a great time - hope you are over the itchiness from the skeeters :)

  4. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time...You really got some amazing pictures..:)

  5. Mara the photos are FABULOUS! It looks like you had an AMAZING time.. what a BEAUTIFUL place!!
    Hope your weekend was GREAT!

  6. wow! beautiful place and amazing photos.

  7. I think your pics are gorgeous! Looks like you had a lot of fun

  8. I think your photos look great! I like that last one too:) Sequoia and King's canyon is such a beautiful area!
    I, too, need to take a photo (camera) that I can take advantage of everything the camera ca do. Some online sites help out a bit.

  9. I LOVE looking at photo posts and have known to do some myself, lol!
    What wonderful photos! We haven't been to Kings Canyon in years! The last photo is GREAT! I also love the look you captured on the fish photo with the fill-flash.
    TFS your vacation, Mara!
