
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

7 years ago...

...I had this precious little girl!!! Happy birthday to my sweet Kayla!

She is so smart and funny and witty. She loves to play soccer, read, bake and cook, play with her friends and has a very close relationship with her brother. She makes me laugh everyday. But to be fair, she makes me cry some of the days, too. She is a tough cookie. She tests us every single day. We don't have her figured out, not in the least. I'm not sure we will ever figure her out. She is opinionated and sometimes brutally honest. She keeps us on our toes and sometimes she makes me want to tear my hair out. I have plenty of new grey hairs popping up and I'm sure she is partly to blame.

She still lets me take photos of her. Her smile is so beautiful! Her hair is out of control, look at those wispies!! I have them too and still haven't figured out how to tame them. She still wants to cuddle with me on the couch. She loves music and wants to be a singer when she grows up.

There are lots of these kind of days...

But there are also plenty of these days...

Today was one of the good days!!

I am looking forward to many more years of being challenged and loved by this sweet face. Happy Birthday sweet girl!!! Oh wait...can't forget the cake!! Vanilla inside, chocolate frosting and M&M's outside...her choice.

Thanks for stopping by today!!


  1. Happy Birthday to your DD! :)

  2. so sweet, mara! oh- MnMs are jack's favorite- he'd love that cake!

  3. Happy Bday to your sweetie.. she looks adorbale!!! love the cake yum

  4. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl--she is absolutely beautiful :) And as far as the challenging moments....I am a firm believer that it is a "GIRL" thing. I dont remember being that way myself as a kid, but I don;t know a Mom of a girl who doesnt say the drama started at 4 and continued through the teenage years lol! At least she is snuggly too to make up for it. Mine asked for a hug tonight and I swear to you, that it is the first time she has EVER done that in her almost 5 1/2 years of life!!

  5. More cute Kayla photos! How precious! :) TFS

  6. Being the mom of a 20yr, I can say that you still have quite an adventure ahead of you, Mara! Enjoy it!

  7. Adorable photos..her personality just shines!! happy birthing day to you, too!!

  8. oh gosh she is so sweeet! and of course your cake looks YUMMO!

  9. Happy birthay to your sweetie! The cake looks so yummy!

  10. Well happy, happy birthday to your adorable little 7 year old! I'm so jealous of her freckles!

  11. soooo sweet and precious......kayla carson is!!!!!!!!
    so proud to be her baki...

  12. oh how cute is she??? Love your pictures!

  13. Happy Birthday KAYLA! Mara the photos are FABULOUS!!!!!!

  14. Kayla has good taste in cakes! It looks beautiful! I love Kayla's freckles! Happy Birthday to her!
