
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bo Bunny Cards

Happy Thursday everyone! I can't believe it's still raining today...but it is. It's been raining all week, pretty unusual for this time of year. I hope it clears up just a little bit, I am running the Los Angeles Rock and Roll half marathon on Sunday! If the rain would go away but keep the temperature on the cool side, that would be perfect for race day! Wish me luck...i'll be at the start line Sunday ipod charged, butterflies in my stomach, and ready to rock the half marathon!

But for today...some cards. Specifically, some cards using the Olivia papers by Bo Bunny. I loved the colors!

Yeah! Banners are back! LOL!!! I added some baker's twine for a little twist on the banner.

And one more card because I could not let any scraps go to waste and I just LOVE the embellished chipboard Bo Bunny includes with all their lines!

I have been having fun adding some baker's twine to my projects.

That's all I got today, friends! I am looking forward to watching Giants lose tonight (I hope!), reading Harry Potter with my kids, and doing one more training run tomorrow before my race on Sunday. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hello there;0) These cards are great! You are right, the paper is wonderful;0) I love the colors! I love banners but have yet to do one myself;0) Need to though...I just received some red and white bakers twine and love it! Sometimes I get things and then do not want to use them...this may be one of them;0) Maybe because it is the only colors I have right
    Good luck and have fun on your run this weekend. I think the weather is supposed to be about the same as it has been. Take care

    Cecelia B

  2. I am not normally a stripe paerson but these are so lovely , the twine in the second one looks fab as well

  3. What darling cards Mara! Love the lil' banner! Too cute :)

  4. Beautiful cards my friend!!! Love the banner and the floral card...soooo very pretty!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Good luck with your race! Fantastic cards!

  6. Cute cards Mara... Love the colors and DP you have used :)

  7. Sweet cards! :) Love the banner on the first and the fun label on the second!

  8. Very cute! Love the twine:) Good luck with another adventure(half marathon)!

  9. Good luck in your race tomorrow!!

    Love your cards...kind of makes me want to become a card maker. I hoard my scraps like one but just can't bring myself to take the plunge!

  10. These cards are great! you're making me want some of that twine! fun!

  11. I love the colors of the Bo Bunny!
    What beautiful cards!
