
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Apple Cinnamon Rolls

This is a recipe i've had in my head for a while. I love cinnamon rolls and make them frequently. But for some reason, i've had apples on the brain. My favorite breakfast right now is to chop up an apple, add some cinnamon and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then add vanilla greek yogurt and chopped almonds. Sooo good!! So I decided to translate that into a cinnamon roll. Because carbs are yummy.

It's just a basic dough recipe that I started with. This is a recipe from my mom and it's my go-to dough recipe for everything, bread, rolls, etc.

2.5 tsp yeast
3 tbsp sugar
1.5 tsp salt
3.5 cups bread flour
1/4 cup powdered milk (optional, I only add this when I have it...which isn't often)
2 tbsp butter, cut
1 cup plus 2 tbsp warm water

Add the yeast to the warm water. Let it sit for a little bit. Add the flour, sugar, salt, powdered milk, and butter into the mixer bowl. Fit the mixer with the dough hook. Mix all the dry ingredients, then add the water/yeast mixture. Mix this and knead with the dough hook for 6-7 minutes. Cover bowl with a clean towel and let it rise until it's at least doubled in size.

Now for the apples. I took 2 granny smith apples, peeled, chored and chopped them up. I added 2 tbsp butter to a pan and turned on medium heat. After butter is melted, throw in the apples. Add some brown sugar and cinnamon (I was winging it at this point) and cook until the apples looked cooked enough.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface into a rough rectangle shape. Paint the dough with melted butter. Add the baked apples and cinnamon and sugar (if you want). Roll the dough into a log, cut into slices and place in a baking pan. Let the rolls rise for about 15-20 minutes. Then cook at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes. When they are golden brown, take out of oven and cool in the pan on a cooling rack.

When it comes to frosting, I like the basic powdered sugar frosting on my rolls. I have tried cream cheese frosting on top, but for me it's over the top. I made a powdered sugar frosting for these.

1/2 -3/4 cup powdered sugar
1-2 tbsp soy milk

Add the soy milk, 1 tbsp at a time, to the powdered sugar. Mix until your desired consistency is reached. I drizzled the frosting on the warm rolls and let all the sweet goodness soak right in. So yummy!!

I kept these overnight in the fridge and we heated them for a bit in the microwave for breakfast today. And they were fabulous. Of course, they would be fabulous right out of the oven but I made them the night before. And I'm not that motivated in the morning to make cinnamon rolls. I would much rather have them already done and ready to eat!

These were delicious and exactly how I wanted them. It was a fun change from regular rolls! They fueled us all enough to do a 2-hour hike today and score some geocaches. It's beautiful outside and we took full advantage of it. Hope you are having a great weekend!! Thanks for stopping by...


  1. The cinnamon roll looks fab...but I like your idea of adding yogurt to a microwaved apple w/almonds too...YUM!! Will definitely try that!

  2. mmmmm, those looks delicious! that is the right way to start the day ;)

  3. Your brain is working overtime and with tasty results! These look sooo good, Mara!

  4. The pillsbury dough boy would be so jealous! What yummy looking rolls!!!

  5. Oh, yum! Your blog always make me hungry. Delish!

  6. mmm.... yummy! and they look so fancy. ;)

  7. I can't wait to try these, I am so impressed!

  8. These look awesome! When I make cinnamon rolls I do everything the night before except bake them. Let them have the last rise in the fridge. In the morning get them out to sit on the counter while you preheat the oven and then just pop them in. Super yummy, fresh from the oven and all the work done the night before.
