
Friday, November 19, 2010

Cards on Friday

Happy Friday everyone! We have had one long week of stomach flu around here. Me and my son got the bug and it hasn't been pretty. But if you want to lose 7 pounds in one week, I highly recommend the stomach flu. ICK!!! Here are some pretty Cosmo Cricket cards to get that thought of the stomach flu out of your head.

I am loving the big bows lately!

And one more, I love these Pixielicious papers!!! Want some? Head on over to Croppin' Paradise, they have all sorts of great Cosmo Cricket...even the new 1934 collection!

Have I mentioned how much I love the cute matching chipboard embellies?? I love them!

That's what I have today! I hope you had a healthy week. We are supposed to have our last soccer games tomorrow but with a 90% chance of rain, it looks like we might be rained out. Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Cute cards Mara.. I love the purple!! Hope you have fun at soccer tomorrow could be worse we are sitting at -22 Celsius!! Brrr

  2. love love love the colours of the hello card!

  3. ICK! Hope your feeling TONS better! Cute cute cards!

  4. Oh what cute cards! Love the fun bold purples of the first card and the second one has such a cute flower! :)

  5. Sorry to hear you guys were sick :( I love those cards--the first letters pack such a punch and I love the big bow!

  6. so glad you're better. i hope your dd and dh don't get it. super cute cards :)

  7. I love the bright, bold color combos. Keep on the mend, my friend!

  8. Cuuute cards Mara! Love the happy flower :) I hope you are feeling better - sending get well wishes your way :)

  9. Mara I am so SORRY to hear you were sick! Hope you and Kevin are feeling better!!
    LOVE the cards.. both are so CUTE!!
