
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gingerbread Tree

It has been raining here, and raining and raining. I am not kidding, it's been raining non-stop since Friday. My kids are going stir crazy being in the house. Not the best way to start holiday vacation! So while I was out shopping on Sunday, I wanted to pick up two make-your-own gingerbread house kits. Well, I didn't find any but I DID find make-your-own gingerbread tree kits. Who knew??? We dove right in..

Glue the tree layers together using frosting...

Wait (impatiently) for mom to mix the frosting colors from the box...then decorate the tree with snow and greenery...

Add the ornament decorations...

Add the star on top...

Check out our two new Christmas trees!

I had some issues with the frosting being too runny (bad directions!!) and the piping bags breaking (thank goodness I had some cloth ones in my cake decorating box). But the kids had a ball and we killed a few hours on a rainy afternoon!

What's your weather like right now? Will you have a white Christmas? Looks like we might have a soggy one! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love Kevin's super serious face!! Such concentration!! And Kayla just smiling away with abandon. Can't wait to see you guys!!!!!!

  2. yes, enough with the rain already! We did the tree last year, i think. the frosting was too runny- i remember that. made it easy for jack to dump it on. ha ha! fabulous trees and great photos :)

  3. How fun! We are having slushy icy weather. We keep going back and forth between rain and snow. Its icky!

  4. What a great kit! Looks like the kids had a good time decorating them.
    Raining, raining, raining... I went stir-crazy and ran yesterday. Have you been getting out?

  5. Heh, I've seen those -- looks like it was great fun! :) It's looking some clouds but nothing else for us. :)

  6. Okay your cupcakes are TOTALLY adorable!!! And I love the outcome of your trees even if you had a few troubles! What great memories and fun times!
    Hope your having a great week!

  7. They came out so super cute! and it looks like the kids had a lot of fun :) Hope the weather clears so they can get out and play :)

  8. I so want to make these this year, but haven't been able to YET! Yours look wonderful, and I love the photos!

  9. So cute! (the pictures and the tree!!!) have a merry Christmas Mara!!!

  10. Really cute! Your kids are adorable!
