
Monday, January 31, 2011

Marathon Monday

Happy Monday everyone!! I thought I would make Monday's a little different around here for a while. Marathon Monday will start today! I am starting my marathon training today for the San Diego Rock and Roll marathon in June. And I am going to keep you all updated on everything from training to blisters to eating a whole entire pizza after a long run to chub rub and everything in between.

I finally put together my training plan. I have run 2 marathons, the first one I didn't use a training plan. My first marathon (Los Angeles, 2005) was really hard. I didn't train enough. I trained by time, not distance. And I overestimated how fast I was running during training. Oh boy, the last half of that marathon was brutal. But I finished it and caught the racing bug. Final time was 5:36. Not exactly what I wanted, but in essence I think I was just happy to finish and not puke or pass out while doing it.

2nd marathon...San Diego Rock and Roll in 2006. This time I ran with Team in Training. Awesome, awesome program. I got so much support from my family, I raised almost $5500. And I loved having a coach and people to train with.

Yes, I ran with that huge fanny pack around my waist. I really wanted to bring my camera during the race and this was the only way I could figure it out. It was annoying to wear and by like mile 6 I wanted to throw it over the side of the freeway. But thankfully I didn't because I got this awesome sweaty lobster red faced photo at mile 8.

Race day was hot and humid, very unlike San Diego weather. I loved running on the freeway!

My goal was to break 5 hours. I really really really wanted to break 5 hours. I ended up running without my training group for most of the race because I panicked around mile 10 and decided I needed to run faster to break 5 hours. That killed me in the end...but my final time was 4:56!! SO stoked to break 5 hours!!

This time I am trying to train 'smarter', which really means I actually have a plan and a training schedule. I modified one of Hal Higdeon's training plans. I am running 4 days a week (with one of those days being a tempo/speed run) and doing boot camp 2 times a week. I loooove boot camp and really wish I could fit it more into my schedule. But right now, I need to put some miles on the road. And I NEED to schedule a day of rest, or else I won't do it. I am hoping to stay injury free. Since pulling my achilles tendon in 2008, I am crazy about stretching and foam rolling and icing and resting. I hope I can keep up that level of crazy.

So there you have it. I am at the beginning. The beginning of an 18 week training plan that will have me running my little heart out and getting up at the crack of dawn to do it. I would love to run a marathon around 4 hours...that's my goal. But I will see how my training goes, I might have to adjust that.

Thanks for coming along for the ride with me!! Gotta go stretch...


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on your AMAZING time Mara!!! I am so proud of you! My feet are screaming just thinking about pounding the pavement like that! :)

  2. Wow Mara! How cool to make it under 5 like you wanted! Go girl go!

  3. This is so inspirational Mara.. I will be waiting, cheering and watching you the whole way threw...I am so envious I cant wait to one day run again... "GO MARA"!!!!

  4. ACCCHHH Mara - GOOD FOR YOU! I hate!@!! running so I admire you for getting it done! smart to train properly this year!

  5. how exciting and that is soooo impressive!!! you are totally amazing!!!! and inspiring

  6. 4 hours?!!! That would be an AMAZING time! Good luck to you! No sluffing off... I'll be watching you!

  7. Nice! :) Good luck with your training!

  8. You and my other marathon runnning friends amaze me. i don't even know how it's possible to run that many miles all at once. ha ha! anyhow, so here's my cheer: GOOOO MARA!! I look forward to reading about your journey to your next marathon (and use you for inspiration, but i only hope to achieve 5 miles for me. hee hee).

  9. Mara this is A-MAZING! I can't imagine doing anything like this, I stand in awe of you girl! Way to go and good luck with your next race! You sound pretty determined so I know you'll do great!

  10. Yay! I did TnT in 2005! Go team! lol! You will do great in your training! I'm excited to follow along!

  11. WTG and Congrats!!
    Thats an amazing time!!
    So glad your plan is working well for you!!
    I have driven on that freeway many times!!
    Have a blessed week!

  12. That's awesome Mara! Congrats on reaching your goal!! You are definately an inspiration:)

  13. YES REST DAYS ARE SO IMPORTANT!! I am so excited to follow your training, you are going to do amazing! LOVE the pictures of you!! Love that you use the same lipgloss:) Have a great day!

  14. wow Dana I am impressed, and not only because I cant run down the street.

  15. Awesome photos! Good luck with your training!

  16. That DOES look fun running on the freeway! Thanks for letting us vicariously experience a marathon through you...I'm looking forward to it:) Woo Hoo!

  17. That is so awesome...keep us posted. I am training for NYC ING in November. Doing the FIRST's been great...I have a half the first week in April, we will see if I am getting the results I am expecting.
    Way to go!!!!

  18. Congrats on your time!!! I can't wait to hear more about your training. I use Hal Higdon's training for my training too and love it. I know you will do awesome in this next one! I'll be cheering for you all the way!
