
Monday, February 21, 2011

Marathon Monday...what's your song?

**LAST day to enter my $40 giftcard giveaway!!! GIVEAWAY HERE***

Happy Monday!!! I just spent the best weekend visiting my mom and going to a 40th Disco/70's birthday party of my oldest bestie in the whole world. It was an amazing weekend but now I guess it's back to reality!

I am going tomorrow to have my ankle examined by a professional. I took ALL week off from any activity last week and it was the hardest thing ever. I am not good at being patient. At all. But we'll see what the doc says and hopefully I can resume doing something. Anything. Please, anything!!

In the meantime, I need some new music. I love listening to music when I workout and my playlists are all getting stale. I have some iTunes giftcards burning a hole in my help me spend them! I like almost all types of music (not including country, no offense to all those country fans out there).

Here's what I've got going on right now...these songs seem to always end up on my playlists.

1. Eminem: Not Afraid

eminem Pictures, Images and Photos

2. Motorhead: Ace of Spades

motorhead Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Metallica: Hit The Lights

4. Neon Trees: Animal

5. Linkin Park: What I've Done

linkin park Pictures, Images and Photos

6. Ricky Martin: Livin' La Vida Loca

Yes, you can have Ricky Martin AND Metallica on the same playlist and your ipod won't explode. Pinky promise. So...what music do you listen to when you workout? Or in your car? Or around the house? Give me some good suggestions for new playlists!!!


  1. I love Metallica! I've been on a HUGE country kick lately! Glad you had a great weekend! Hope your dr. appt. goes well! Would swimming be less painful than jogging?

  2. Great choices, Mara! My daughter just bought me a new song from iTunes: I Just Wanna Run by Downtown Fiction. It's a GREAT running song! Another song I MUST have on my running playlist is Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi.

    How's the training coming?

  3. Mara, You are awesome! Thanks for the sweet comments!! I love that you have ricky and metallica side by side...I sometimes laugh at myself with my random playlist choices. it just means you're diverse!! I hope your week is off to a great start! xoxoxo

  4. Love your playlist!I have a few of yours on my list too. Right now I'm listening to Pink alot love her. Taylor Swift country but still love her.I also have Nelly, 3Doors Down, Bowling for Soup, Glee songs, Kings of Leon,Jason Aldean, and saving Abel.
    Have a great week!

  5. hehe! You are too funny Mara!! I have good mix of songs too- a little Gun's and ROses mixed with a little MIley Cyrus!! ahhh!! Who knew???

  6. Hope you get good news about your ankle, Mara! :)

  7. OK, I have never been much of a dance music person, BUT all the songs that my step class teacher uses in her class are just plain fun and definitely get me moving--Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas, Pink, Usher etc.

  8. Love the Ricky Martin!!
    What an awesome collection of music!!
    You might like Casting Crown its christan but its rock christian music!! Its on my blog if you want to listen to a couple.
    So glad you will be having your ankle checked!!
    Keep us posted!!
