
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Everybody loves chocolate chip cookies. They are a classic cookie, a fun treat, and an occasional breakfast. See...don't they look good?

But bite into these bad boys and you get a little more than you bargained for!

No, really. That's an OREO inside!!! See?? Oreo INSIDE the cookie!

I saw these at the Picky Palate food blog and knew I had to make them. Jenny from Picky Palate has been showing lots of fun stuffed chocolate chip cookie recipes lately, her latest one is S'mores stuffed cookies! Want to see it again?

These cookies are giant. I just took my favorite chocolate chip cookie dough recipe and sandwiched an oreo between two big scoops of dough. I formed the dough around the cookie and baked at 350 degrees. Pretty easy for a big impact!! Not an everyday indulgence, but a fun occasional treat. And maybe a breakfast...

Happy Thursday Friends!!


  1. I like breakfast at your house, hehehe!

  2. Heehee! I LOVE my moms Monster cookies for breakfast. Dr.s always say oatmeal is a fantastic breaksfast...they didn't say how you ate the oatmeal! ;-)

    Those look DELICIOUS! Yummers for sure!

  3. oh, man...those cookies look evil. ;) ;) I also saw (a couple of weeks ago) this girl had baked brownies around oreo cookies. more evilness. I think these would be fun to serve at a party though!! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. those look soooo yummy!!! I'm sooo going to have to try these...

    You should check out these, I tried them last weekend and yum:

  6. I think I just gained five pounds looking at this picture! They look extra yummy!

  7. Holy Cow those look amazing. I think my kids would LOVE them and then be up for a week lol!

  8. That's it I am coming for coffee and COOKIES!!!! LOL

  9. quite the cookie, honey!!!!! looks ymmmmy.
    btw, whats up with the "deleted b author" what
    what what.
    hit that phy. therapy....... luv you.

  10. Sugar for breakfast is the best....besides will need to be had with a giant glass of milk. Milk is good for breakfast. :)

  11. YUM!! i made her oreo truffle surprise cookie recipe at christmastime and those were yyyyyuuummm. AND her oreo dipped brownie cookies, but i used candycane joe joes.... okay, getting hungry. ;)

  12. Oh my! Fun and I have to tell you again that I do think I gain weight everytime I come visit you:) But it's worth it*wink*

  13. These look yummy. how is the weather over your way? it's still cloudy here. they say tomarow it's sunny. well see. I did get some pages done. i posted them up. well have a great weekend.

  14. Picky Palate makes my mouth water...All of her stuffed cookies lately are DANGEROUS!!! Did you see the smore's ones? Ah-MAZ-ING.

  15. I've seen these before, but yours look exceptionally GOOD!

  16. MARA.. YUM!!! Oh my I MUST try these... can I just run over for a little nibble! LOL!!
    Have a FABULOUS weekend!

  17. OH! MY! GOSH!!! My 2 favorite cookies combined into 1, are you kidding me lol?!? Gotta try making these!

  18. WOW! Those look amazing. I may have to make some of these for my hubby and daughter too.

  19. Wow, Mara, these look totally decadent - delicous, but decadent!

    Two of my recipes are finalists in Sat Morning's Best of Feb contest. When you have a moment, could you stop by and cast a vote? (Details are on the post below!)

    Thanks and have a fabulous week!


  20. YUMMMMY! I saw some of the stuffed cookie ideas on another website earlier -- soo tasty looking!
