
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pizza Rolls

There is nothing I love more than the smell of bread baking in the oven. Okay, maybe cookies baking in the oven...but bread is a close 2nd!! If you want to make your house smell oh so yummy and warm and inviting, please make these. Pizza rolls.

These are pretty easy to make and very versatile. You can stuff them with whatever filling or pizza toppings you like. Here is what you will need.

1 batch pizza dough (make your own OR buy pizza dough at the store)
mozarella cheese (grated or cubed)
pizza toppings (pepperoni, sausage, pineapple, peppers, mushrooms...whatever is your fav)

I used a 9 inch round cake pan to bake these. Slightly grease the pan. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

Divide the dough into about 20-24 pieces. Take one piece and roll it out a little bit on a floured surface. Add some cheese and your favorite toppings to the middle. Form the dough around the toppings then pinch the whole ball closed. Place the ball in the pan, pinched seam DOWN. Continue until the whole pan is full.

Brush a combination of melted butter, garlic, oregano and basil on the top of the rolls. You can also brush with a bit of olive oil and your favorite pizza seasonings. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

Serve warm with a warmed up bowl of marinara sauce for dipping. I swear, my whole house smelled delicious when these were in the oven. Who needs candles when I can use my oven to make the house smell good?

These are great because you can put whatever you want inside. Have a bunch of meat eaters coming over? Fill with sausage and pepperoni. Do you have vegetarian friends? Make a pan full of veggie bites. Either way would be yummy. And if you are afraid of yeast and dough, the store bought pizza dough would work just as well.

Thanks for stopping by today, Friends!!


  1. Yum! Now that looks like something I'll definately have to try :)

  2. Oh my gosh are you kidding me...Those look UNREAL. I am afraid I would eat the whole pan by myself!
    I am so sad your ankle is still giving you problems!! (That pic of you in your swim cap is awesome btw!) :) I hope it gets better soon, and THEN will you come work out with me? K, perfect. :)

  3. OMG!!
    What a cool recipe!!
    They look so yummy and sound some what easy to make!!
    I will have to give these a try!!
    We all love pizza here!!
    Hows the swimming coming along?
    Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!

  4. You mean those balls of dough are full of pizza yumminess!!! Oh My goodness Mara...YOU ROCK!!! lol

  5. MMMMMM those looks delicious! I wonder if I chopped up veggies small enough if my one non veggie eater would actually eat some lol!

  6. I'm with you about bread! Your rolls look so good and sound very versatile. Have a great weekend, Mara!

  7. Looks so yummy! Like mini calzones, fun!

  8. Yum, think I can pawn these off as dinner?? My kids will love these!

  9. Oh my goodness gracious! I want to make these right now!!! Yum!!

  10. Store bought dough? How easy is that? What a great treat!

  11. Oh those look so good! What a great idea to fill them inside!

  12. Can't wait to try these out, vegan style! So excited!

  13. my stomach just growled! those look amazing! too amazing.. i should try to make them for my little J. thanks for the recipe :)

  14. We make these once a month with my WW pizza dough! My fave insides? Pineapple, non-dairy cheese, and lots of sauce. Delish! Your photos came out beautiful.
