
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hello Saturday!

Wow, it's Saturday!! Blogger sure was a pain in the butt this week, it was down almost all week. Looks like it's back up and running and for that I say..hurray!! I hope you've all been having a good week. I have been back to the gym. Yes, you heard that right...back to the gym! My ankle has been feeling pretty good and i've been swimming and walking and doing an ankle-approved modified mini boot camp. It's been awesome. The worst part has been training myself to get up in the morning again. I'm used to sleeping in with warm covers and comfy pillows. When my alarm goes off at 5am...I'm not even sure what to do anymore. But i'm getting back into the routine and hopefully there will be some running (although in very small doses) in my future soon!!

I have a layout to share today, too. It's based off a Creative Scrappers sketch and done using some great paper from My Mind's Eye called Lime Twist. I love love the colors!!

The layout photo is totally crooked and I was frustrated trying to get a good shot of this layout! Oh well, you can't win them all. And did you know My Mind's Eye has twine...that matches their collections? I am in LOVE!!!

I also liked this small font letter stickers, perfect for journaling.

My kids had a ball riding the 3-wheeler at my sister's last summer. Too much fun!!

Hope you all had a great week. We had our big school carnival last night and it was a great time. It's our biggest PTA fundraiser of the year, I hope we raised tons of money! Have a great Saturday, friends.


  1. Journaling with letter stickers?!!! You have a lot more patience than me, lol! I love all the details you added... you really are a master with twine. Now that my twine is here, I don't know what to do with it, hahaha!

  2. LOVE this Mara.. GREAT photos too.. Kevin looks like he is having a FUN TIME!! (Craig too I am sure! LOL!)
    Hope your weekend is GREAT!

  3. hi---luv the twine w/buttons.. your inventory of paper [like the lime twist] is endless. colors on this layout are perfecto!!

  4. so glad you're healing and getting back to what you love even if it's slowly but surely :) love what you did with the brads and twine- fun idea! :)

  5. You never seem to run out of unique, creative ideas! Yep, wasn't Blogger frustrating?!?

  6. hello Mara, good to see you are feeling better. thats awsome. love the page you did. i need to get into the swing of things. hope your having a great day.


  7. Glad you're feeling better! Love the patches of paper on the side and the fun journaling!!!

  8. How cool that you are back to the gym! I have been back doing some things with my shoulder too--yoga and some weight training with VERY low weights.

    Love the layout--the brads in the punched border are so cool and I ♥ the coordinating twine!
