
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Boy Banner

I make alot of crafty things for my daughter. It's so easy with all the fun flowers and girly scrapbooking stuff out there. But I think my son feels a bit left out (even though he would never admit it). So I resolved to make him something that wasn't girly but he could have in his room. I ended up with this name banner. The colors of the Good Day Sunshine collection from My Mind's Eye was perfect. As was the paper with guitars, and woody beach cruisers!

I used a Little Yellow Bicycle chipboard banner album for the base of the banner. Lots of mod podge and patterned paper later, the banner came together. 

I used my Cricut and the George and Accents Essentials cartridges to cut all the shapes. The font is from the Cuttin' Up cartridge.

Do you want to know the hardest thing about this banner? Getting a good photo of it!! Everyplace I tried to hang it was just plain wrong so I had to put it on the ground. That concrete sure is beautiful, isn't it???

My son was fired up when he found out this was for him. I was so happy to hang it in his room wherever he wanted it. He will be 10 in December so I wasn't sure if he was going to be 'too cool' for it or not. Thankfully, NOT!!

Hope your week has started out great! Thanks for stopping by...


  1. Aww that's so cute that he loved it!! Can't believe he is going to be 10 this year :)

  2. awesome! i really love (besdies the colors!) the different shapes you used for it. that looks really good! i'm so happy he loved it.

  3. How fun! LOVE that your son was excited about it! I had a hard time taking a good picture of the banner I made too!

  4. So great! Very boy for sure, so glad he liked it:)

  5. What a great banner!! My son often feels kind of left out on the crafty front too. It is just so much more fun to work with butterflies and hearts than sports stuff!!

  6. This is adorable! I LOVE how boy-ish it came out! It's wonderful that he likes it. IMHO, boys don't get too cool until 14 yrs ;o)

  7. Wow! What a great non-girly project. It looks fantastic!

  8. it really is hard to make fun stuff for the boys! love the banner and so glad to hear your son appreciated it :)

  9. lol...concrete photo ~ gotta love it!

    what a fabulous banner chickie!
