
Friday, August 26, 2011

Last layout with CTS August Kit

Happy Friday!! We start soccer season tomorrow morning. Bright and early, we have a game at 8am. The Blue Lightening and Purple Pandas will be looking for their first wins tomorrow!

I have one more layout I did with the August Citrus Tree Studio kit. I loved this kit!

So, I confess. I take photos of myself in the bathroom mirror. I was just messing around one afternoon with my small point and shoot camera and found myself with all these self portraits. The lighting was totally off, that's why my face looks orange. It's not from too much self-tanner. But I thought they were cute and I rarely scrap myself, so I used them.

The kit came with a big sheet of all these little words. I used some that I thought described me. I especially love the 'candy' sticker. 

And I used every single last stick pin flag that came in the kit. LOVED them!!!

Hope you have a great weekend! If you are a East Coaster, good luck this weekend with Hurricane Irene bringing her wrath down. Stay safe!!!! Thanks for stopping by...


  1. Fabulous page. Love the adorable elements and that pretty paper. :)

  2. What a fun layout! Love all your self portraits and the cute banner and flag :)

  3. Very pretty LO!!
    Love your pictures!
    Love the sticker words and the banner!!
    Amazing banner!

  4. so fun! love the title and use of the cute little flag! the words are really cute down the side like that. :)

  5. That's such a great idea to do a "self portrait" page. So cute!

  6. This is great, love the soft colors and the banner. The orange pictures are a kick! I tagged your card above on Fabulous Finds Friday on Practical Scrappers today :)

  7. Cute page! I love the way you added the stick pin flag to your banner!
