
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Long Tall Cards

In the August Citrus Tree Studio kit, I received some blank cards. Which I usually love, but these were an unusual shape. They were long and tall. A shape I don't normally make cards with. So I stared at them for a while before I decided I was going to actually use them.

I loved the cute bird stamp!! I cut the clouds from my Cricut, but you could easily cut them by hand.  I had to add some buttons, too. Because buttons, much like chocolate, make everything better. 

Okay, one more card. I put my border punch to good use on this one.

I ran out of flags that came in the kit, so I made my own using stick pins from my stash and paper scraps. I'm not super happy with the placement of the flags, but it is what it is!!!

Hope you're having a great week so far! I can't believe the summer is winding down. School starts for my kids in 2 weeks and soccer practices started today. Bring on the busy. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. long cards are challenging and you rocked it. i especially loooooove that first one with the bird way up high :) SO CUTE!

  2. ohhhh love your long cards!!!! those are soo cute!!!!

  3. impressive long cards....really; i tried to find some at michael's but must look again. do you also have envelopes for them OR do you make them .........

  4. Hi Mara! We just got back from a 2 week vacation. You sure have been busy for the last two weeks :oD
    I enjoy looking at all your projects... and those brownies... YUM!!!

    I hope you and your family enjoy the rest of your summer!

  5. They are both very cute. I have a hard time with longer cards too. You did a great job with them though.

  6. love the long cards--especially the one with the cool border punch! Enjoy those last few weeks of summer. We started back this week and while it is nice to have the kids back on schedule I actually missed lazing around with them today :(

  7. I'm digging the long cards lately too! Very cute Mara!

  8. Beautiful cards!!
    Love the stamped images and the designs of your cards!!

  9. The pink with the touch of yellow is just perfect!

  10. Very cute Mara ~ I like the long cards!!
