
Monday, September 26, 2011

Cards with Scraps

I have a love/hate relationship with my scraps. I love to save them to use for a rainy day, but it rarely rains in Southern California. I hate to store my scraps and then I forget I actually have them and then end up in the recycle bin anyway. So in an effort to tip the scales more toward love, I decided to tackle my scrap pile. And make some cards.

First up...Bo Bunny scraps, Papertrey Ink sentiment and using the Cricut for that strawberry!

Isn't it cute with the added bling? Bling makes everything better.

Next up...Echo Park scraps, lace paper scrap and more Papertrey Ink stamps.


Yes, bling does make everything better!!

Hope you all have a happy scrappy Monday!!! Thanks for stopping by today...


  1. Super adorable. I love the bling on the strawberry. :)

  2. Yes, I have to agree...bling makes a big difference. I love these cards, that lace paper is very pretty.

  3. cute cards!! LOVE the added bling esp on the berry!!!

  4. This is a coincidence... I found some BG scraps as I was cleaning my table. Those scraps are now front and center; waiting for me to do somthing with them, lol!

    Great cards, Mara! Have a great day!

  5. I have the SAME relationship with my scraps. I don't want to waste them, and when I do get them out and use them - I love them but.... there are so many!

  6. I hear ya on the scraps! I keep telling myself I need to make a card with the scraps right after finishing a layout, but have yet to start that! Cute cards!

  7. I've been toying with different ways to store my scraps in hopes of using them more often. But to no avail. You did some lovely things with yours.

  8. Nice job using up some scraps! You should totally enter these in the card contest at Practical Scrappers :)

  9. Love your cards! Great way to use your scraps, and I bet you feel good about it now! I rarely get to use mine, DD uses them for me,

  10. sooo very pretty! love the blingy strawberry seeds :)

  11. You make paper scraps look like treasure :) Mine always looks so "slapped together". And i whole heartedly agree. Bling does make everything better & fun(ner).

  12. these are so pretty! i love the white stamping on kraft!
